
Number of Players
Release Date

Switch eShop

  • US 14th Dec 2017, $39.99
  • EU 14th Dec 2017, £34.99
Also Available On
Official Site


  • Review Yooka-Laylee (Switch)

    A rare game

    In a post-Super Mario Odyssey world, the bar has been set even higher for 3D platformers. How, then, can a game like Yooka-Laylee stack up - a game so firmly focused on the past rather than the future? Though it may not quite hit the heights of some contemporaries, Yooka-Laylee still stands as a fantastic modern take on 3D platforming...

Screenshots 6

Yooka-Laylee Screenshot
Yooka-Laylee Screenshot
Yooka-Laylee Screenshot
Yooka-Laylee Screenshot
Yooka-Laylee Screenshot
Yooka-Laylee Screenshot

Yooka-Laylee Guides

  • Guide Best Nintendo Switch 3D Platformers

    Workin' the Z-axis

    Revised and updated with Sonic X Shadow Generations. Enjoy! <related ids="173708"> Ah, the 3D platformer. Ever since Super Mario 64 landed and showed everyone just how good three-dimensional platforming could be, there have been developers hoping to capture just a smidgen of that game’s magic. It was a tough act to...

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Yooka-Laylee News


About The Game

Explore huge, beautiful worlds, meet (and beat) an unforgettable cast of characters and horde a vault-load of shiny collectibles as buddy-duo Yooka (the green one) and Laylee (the wisecracking bat with the big nose).

Embark on an epic adventure to thwart corporate creep Capital B and his devious scheme to absorb all the world’s books...and convert them into pure profit!

Using their arsenal of special moves, our heroes will tackle a huge variety of puzzles and platforming challenges in their search for Pagies, the golden bounty used to unlock – and expand – stunning new worlds, each jammed to the gills with oddball characters, hulking bosses, minecart challenges, arcade games, quiz shows, multiplayer games and much more!

Get ready for the full Yooka-Laylee experience, with all the updates, including the much requested camera and voice patch! Gear up with up to four Joy-Con controllers for some multiplayer madness in Rextro's Arcade.