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Switch eShop

  • US 5th May 2020, $15.00
Official Site


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Tonight We Riot News

  • Nintendo Download 7th May (Europe)

    80's Overdrive! Spirit of the North! Lonely Mountains!

    The latest Nintendo Download update for Europe has arrived, and it's bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region. As always, be sure to drop a vote in our poll and comment down below with your potential picks for the week. Enjoy! Switch Retail eShop - New Releases: Spirit of the...

  • Nintendo Download 30th April (North America)

    Streets of Rage 4, Levelhead and Arcade Spirits!

    The latest Nintendo Download update for North America has arrived, and it's bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region. As always, be sure to drop a vote in our poll and comment down below with your potential picks for the week. Enjoy! Switch eShop: Streets of Rage 4 (DotEmu, Today,...

About The Game

In a dystopia where wealthy capitalists control elections, media, and the lives of working people, we’re faced with two choices -- accept it or fight for something better. Tonight We Riot doesn’t have just one hero. Instead, you play as a movement of people whose well-being determines the success of your revolution. “Tonight We Riot” is an unapologetically political, socialist game about worker liberation in the face of overpowering capitalism. It’s also quite a bit of fun to play." -Variety "...for all those folks who need to get out their political anger” -USGamer Core Features: * Couch co-op * 20 unlockable weapons, gear, and perks * A dog * Whimsy * Kaiju * A wood chipper * Endless Mode * Horror Synth * The unique catharsis that comes from throat-punching a billionaire ghoul who would rather watch the world and everyone on it burn than lose a tax break Please spend your money on our game, Tonight We Riot.