Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was one of the Switch’s early delights, plonking Mario and friends into a fantastic turn-based, tactical RPG that somehow even managed to make us love those pesky little Rabbids. Almost outdoing its great gameplay, though, was its pure charm and the evident bucket loads of love that had clearly been poured into the project. All of this made us excited to take on the game’s DLC expansion – Donkey Kong Adventure – and we’re very happy to report that things are just as lovely as ever.
Let us start by explaining that this is very much an extension of the main game; rather than playing like a sequel, the story takes us on an alternative adventure that takes place alongside the main shenanigans. You will need to have completed the main game’s first world in order to play, though, as certain plot points centre around what happens during that first boss fight.

The story is a little less dominant than before, with a comical intro scene seeing Rabbid Peach nonchalantly plugging her phone into a highly dangerous washing machine, accidentally whisking herself and Beep-O through time and space. It’s not long until Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky appear on the scene, too, and together, the foursome is ready to explore a whole new set of battles, trying to fix the washing machine once and for all.
As you may have guessed given the expansion’s title, the gameplay is very much centred around DK himself, but much more so than we initially imagined. Yes, he’s clearly the star of the show and he has some unique abilities, but the stages are entirely built and designed around the way in which DK can be used, bringing with it a whole new way to strategise and organise team-based attacks.
His moveset is pretty wild, and in some ways he actually feels pretty over-powered. His main attacks consist of a banana throw, which acts like a boomerang hitting several opponents, and a ground pound that can also deal serious damage to multiple enemies. A separate special attack uses a bongo dance to draw lots of opponents to him, and combining this with the ground pound can be devastating, wiping out multiple Rabbids in one go.

He can also move around stages with ease, swinging from platform to platform via ‘DK’ spaces on the map. On top of this, he can actually pick up opponents, teammates, and even the elemental blocks on the stage, throwing them around to inflict additional damage and providing extra mobility options for your team. Barrelling around as Donkey Kong is a true joy, and his large variety of moves give you several tactical options within each and every battle. Assessing the battle’s particular layout before jumping in can often give you a good idea on how best to utilise his collection of attacks.
Fighting alongside DK are Rabbid Peach and the also newly-introduced Rabbid Cranky. Rabbid Peach acts and plays in exactly the same way as she does in the main game (which is appreciated as she’s usually a very useful character to have), and Cranky acts as yet another highly offensive option. He can attack multiple enemies in one go with his cane – which doubles up as a bow and arrow – and does extra damage when being launched from a teammate. He can also bore opponents to sleep using a special move, essentially rendering them useless for one turn. You’ll find that your team can stand up to your enemies a little easier this time around, either thanks to their strong move pool or maybe some game balance tinkering under the hood, and the game progresses at a slightly faster pace as a result.

While all three characters are great in their own right, and naturally make a great team, it does present a level of repetition that wasn’t present in the main game. Before, you could choose which of the eight different characters you wanted to take into a battle, completely mixing up your tactics on the fly for each round, but this DLC forces you to use these same three teammates for every single battle. DK is absolutely fantastic, but we would have loved to have seen what he could do alongside other characters like Luigi or Rabbid Mario, for example, and this lack of additional strategy takes something away from the experience on the whole.
In fact, everything is completely separated from your main save file. All of your weapons and skill trees start from scratch, and the items you unlock are different to those found in the full game. There are obvious nods to the initial release throughout, and having journeyed through that game first definitely helps, but it does play as a very different experience – almost as if it’s a different mode rather than a story extension.
The expansion is split into four new areas, each with their own unique themes such as ‘Lagoon’ and ‘Jungle’. They’re not quite as visually varied as the main game, but they do have a new DK twist that adds yet another layer of love to proceedings. The soundtrack has been infused with little nods to the Donkey Kong franchise, collectibles now resemble the puzzle pieces that are present in games such as Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and all these little things add up to make the expansion truly feel like a new adventure.

Depending on your play-style, you’ll likely get somewhere between seven and ten hours of gameplay from this DLC package, and if you loved the original it’s certainly worth it. Despite its differences, this expansion probably won’t win over those who weren’t particularly keen with the main game. What it will do, however, is provide Mario + Rabbids fans with a whole new bunch of content that has a slight twist on the gameplay they’ve come to love. It’s not perfect, but it’s still a treat to experience.
The Donkey Kong Adventure DLC brings a fresh angle to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, giving fans of the original something different to get their teeth into. It’s less daunting than the main game, with some truly powerful characters often making short work of the slightly-lessened enemy onslaught, but blasting through the campaign in this way offers a nice way to enjoy the comical ride. The lack of character options is perhaps the only downer here, taking away some of the deeper strategy involved in the full game, but we still loved every moment of our time with DK and friends. If you’re craving more Rabbids mayhem, give this one a whirl.
Comments 54
I still have haven't played it yet since i bought Switch last 24 December 2017 before.
That's so embarrassing to admit it.
Damn right I'll buy this. Mario + Rabbids is amazing, really underrated. I don't like strategy games (like Fire Emblem and XCom), but the vibe of this game is just so hilarious and heartwarming at the same time.
I do agree with the sentiment that DK feels a bit over powered. I only just started the game and I'm hoping the enemies give him a run for his money ☺
Awesome! Loved the original game and this DLC is hugely enticing. Will pick it up as soon as I get the requisite funds into my eShop account ☺️
I bought this day -1 (thanks to the season pass).
One of my favourite Switch games and this just gives me more to play.
I love it and my kids hassle me all the time to play it.
Things you have to do as a parent.
I'll get this at some point, though it is disappointing that it seems to be more easy going than even the original. I always kinda dug the notion, that DLC can push the player harder, as by then they are intimately familiar with the ins and outs of a games systems. Not to mention in RPGs, you normally get content that is meant for higher level players, having progressed through the main game already, thus they - to a certain point - all geared and leveld up already. Tactics games like these really do or die by an approriate level of challenge, I think.
I literally just bought this DLC, and less than a hour later BOOM, here's the review. I guess everyone's in a DK DLC state of mind right now!
I honestly found this a bit tougher than most of the main game, but that's likely because I did a good job building a team for that.
Yep, I really enjoyed this. Also worth noting that some harder challenges open up after you finish the story bit, which further adds to the value for money.
@Freek Yep, my kids too! At least it makes a change from them "making" me play BotW or Odyssey again. I remember playing Yoshi's Woolly World on WiiU and they would scan an amino every few seconds so in one level I would go through dozens of costumes. I loved it as much as they did though!
DISCLAIMER: Most of this post is copy/pasted from my comment at IGN's review of the DK DLC.
It's been a genuinely fun expansion so far for me (I've finished the story and am just getting ready to do the Challenges), but there are a few nitpicks I have with it:
1) I spent a ton of time completing Challenges after beating the main game in order to level up my characters' Skill Trees/weapons in anticipation of the DK DLC. Unfortunately (as this article mentions), not only is Rabbid Peach the only character from the main game available in the DLC, but all of her stats as well as her weapons are reverted back to base level. So for anyone expecting a "New Game Plus"-level challenge from the expansion or its enemies (as I did), it's a bit of a letdown.
2) As the above should make obvious, this limits you to the same three characters for the entirety of the DK DLC (Rabbid Peach, DK, and Rabbid Cranky). Considering that the length of this expansion is supposedly nearly half that of the base game, I personally think this was a huge missed opportunity by Ubisoft to incorporate some of the underused/acquired late in the storyline characters from the main game (looking at you, Yoshi).
None of this makes me regret purchasing this expansion; it is a great value and has been a lot of fun. I hope that Ubisoft will make a proper sequel to this game and build upon its foundation (maybe even delving into other Nintendo IPs like Zelda and Metroid, Super Mario RPG-style). While some may get more mileage out of the zany Rabbids humor than others (I personally enjoyed it), there's a lot of potential left to be explored by the turn-based tactical nature of this concept.
Currently playing the main game and it truly is fantastic. I doubt I'll get this DLC though as my backlog is forever growing. However, I may get this in the future if a physical complete edition releases.
Well over a week after release and NL's review of an AAA games dlc arrives behind all the other major players.
Yet a hand load of indi games, some with poor scores jumped the queue.
I’m playing the main game at the minute and really enjoying it
And he's finally back to kick some tail.
For those that have the base game; I've noticed GameStop put it on sale for $30USD and was contemplating grabbing it. What games would you compare the gameplay to, and is that a good price or should I wait, when I have 7 other games I could finish? (and actively feeding a new Fortnite habit)
Bosses were the main problem. Only two of them are actually new, the last two are not. And even so, their mechanics are extremely simplistic, they didn’t use half of the new gameplay ideas in them. The last boss, particularly, was a major letdown for me. As for the worlds, they have nice designs that match older DKC games, but sadly repetition takes place halfway through, it feels like they ran out of ideas.
An 8/10 seems fair.
This is probably my next purchase, loved the game.
It's definitely worth the $15 if you enjoyed the original game.
There's supposed to be a Gold Edition retail version, right? Might pick this up then.
I loved the main game. But this DLC was too easy. I'M a huge DK fan. But I finished this in a day. I really felt like I wasted my money. What ever happened to it being half the length of the main game.
I would get this if only I could eventually get through the main game...for whatever reason turn based strategy games are so slow for me. I end up taking over an hour per map, testing the ranges for every attack, comparing damage output chances, second guessing, flipping back and forth between all possibilities, triple checking, quadruple checking, then taking a turn. And by the end I get some stupid error wrong and have to start again I both love and hate the genre.
Just finished playing this one. The main thing that struck me about it was how isolated the puzzles are in contrast to the base game. In Mario + Rabbids, you have to solve lots of little puzzles in order to progress, which slows down the pace of the campaign a little and provides some breathing room between the battles. Here, the puzzles are almost entirely optional and offer little of substance as rewards (mostly artwork, music, etc.), so you can feel free to just move quickly from one battle to the next if you so desire. Not sure how I feel about this move overall, but it's a big part of what makes this DLC feel different.
Enjoyed it overall, though it does feel repetitive by the time you get to the end. Worth the asking price, but not as replayable as the base campaign.
Can you use the two new characters in versus?
I feel like this DLC deserved to be a continuation and not an add-on. I'd love to have the box for it (like they are doing to Xenoblade Chronicles 2)...
I just love this game. Kudos, Ubisoft.
I enjoyed the main game but felt that it was a little too easy. Is this DLC any harder?
@FlimFlam No, it's easy. Maybe it's due to player experience, but I found it easier than main game. It has its own Ultimate Challenges, anyway.
Hmm, that's unfortunate. I'm already a little put off by only having 3 characters to choose from (although I really only used Mario, Luigi, and Rabbid Luigi in the main game). I'll probably just buy this when it's on sale. I managed to get a copy of Disgaea 5 Complete recently, and FE comes out next year, so it's not like I'll be starved for SRPGs. Thanks for your help!
@Anti-Matter I can definitely recommend the title! I was so hesitant about it because re:Rabbids but.... gosh, no games featuring the Rabbids should be that good.
Yes, it is. It's like the weirdest blend of Mario, Rabbids and XCOM of all things and yet.... yet it works so well that I'd rather return to this than XCOM in the first place. And I say this having already completed the mostly linear story of the game.
Which I have, having actually started a new Mario+Rabbits save in preparation to soon getting that DLC, really.
Did you play the post-game challenges? Those gave me my difficulty fix and then some. Still can’t beat some of the ultras...@sixrings
Loved the game. Will pick this dlc up at some point
@HobbitGamer - Bought a digital copy on sale a few weeks ago even though I’m not a fan of the genre, and I haven’t stopped playing it since. It’s hilarious, and more addicting/rewarding than I ever thought possible. I’ve been thinking about it while doing real world things, which doesn’t happen much anymore.
Ubisoft: Future of gaming is Live Services.
Also Ubisoft: We're making DLC for Mario x Rabbids.
Gamers: Yay?
Ubisoft: It's a new campaign about half as long as the current game.
Me: Do you have a fever, Ubisoft?
@Anti-Matter You really should get on and play it..such an amazing game!Original and fun game with so many great characters.I bought my Switch for this game and as much as I love other games I have bought, Mario And Rabbids is still my fave game for the system.
@NEStalgia That's how I play these types of games. All but one of my friends quit playing Risk with me, with the most common complaint being "Hurry up, this isn't chess".
Everything is chess
@HobbitGamer "Everything is chess "
Quote of the day, right here!
Well I have Skyrim since Launch and did not have time... too many good games on switch. But Mario & Rabbids definetly is woth your time and attention. But good time to dip in now. Once started you dont want to finish till the end and then the DLC gives you a nice extra treat.
I'm a little disappointed that this isn't integrated into the main game, but I can understand the reasons it wasn't. Definitely going to buy it, but now that I know it's more like a sequel I will hold off until I've finished the main game (STILL stuck on 4-8, damnit!!)
I loved the original Mario + Rabbids (second most played game on my Switch) and this DLC is outstanding for taking base game mechanics and changing them up with DK's mobility. The DK game world is just as fantastic and done with love as the main game. Well worth the wait!
Can't decide if this is worth getting since I never beat the standard game.
As long as you have beaten world 1 and seen showdown between Rabbid Donkey Kong and Rabbid Peach... and you liked the strategy gameplay of MvR (I personally love the strategy gameplay of MvR... so much freedom of movement)... Get the DK DLC.
It is different due to DK movement from main game... but still the same ideas in new ways.
The difficulty is about perfect for expansion DLC... the end game of MvR is honestly pretty challenging. This requires thinking... but not throw controller across room challenge like some of end game boss fights. Good balance.
@HAL9000 Sounds good to me! I always loved this take on turn based strategy, kinda reminds me of Advance Wars in some ways, Orge Battle in others. I was hoping this would have something to offer on it's own and not feel like just added content tacked on.
My kids make me (not hard to do) play Botw and Odyssey all the time too.
And yes, they also did the same on Woolly World.
Kirby is also hilarious on Switch with my kids playing.
Like watching a slow motion ballet of mayhem.
I'll buy It definitely!
It is a great add-on, but does feel a tad easy in the beginning. Still one of my favourite games
I do wish they had a non-adventuring mode though - sometimes I just want a battle without having to wander all over the place.
@Anti-Matter Shame on you. SHAME!
I haven't touched it since I beat the main game since I have many other games to play. So I wonder if I should just replay the whole thing again just to relearn how to play. That said, I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into this!
Also @Anti-Matter get your game on man! It's one of the best titles on Switch!
I finished it and loved it, but as pointed out, we can't mix teammates in the DLC with the main game. I would have AT LEAST liked to do this after finishing the DLC story for the special challenges or versus modes if I can't mix characters in the main stories.
I still need to finish the main story.
I finished playing and 100%-ing this DLC a couple days ago. While, I hear, and agree with some of the complaints about this DLC, I thought this was a very generous and well built DLC.
Adding the ability to pick from the whole roster and weapons would have probably made level design too complex. Personally, I preferred having more levels with the limited roster, than having the full roster, but fewer levels because of the balancing issues.
I don't usually complete everything I can in a game, but this time I did because I couldn't get enough Mario & Rabbids. Ubisoft has me completely sold on the series (I hope it is a series!). I thought the base game was excellent, and I feel like I got a lot of value from the season pass.
@AtlanteanMan nice review dude
I absolutely loved this game. It was colourful and really nice to look at. Big ups to Ubisoft for sticking with Nintendo. Also the game mechanics were fantastic. Love that turn based strategy.
Can you use DK in the main story after you get the DLC?
Nice review and nice score.
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