There’s a section near the end of one of the new stages in Cuphead’s DLC that made us shout a four-letter word at the screen extremely loudly, and that word wasn’t ‘cups’. Being the level-headed types we are, it’s very rare for a game to make us resort to such outbursts, but there we were, bellowing the sort of language that would turn the air bluer than Mugman’s nose. And yet, despite this, we weren’t gnawing our fists in rage or spiking the controller off the wall. We were laughing.
We can’t go into much more detail because it’s the sort of thing you should discover for yourself, but it’s the sort of cheap trick that will likely guarantee you’ll die the first time, which in any other case would be thoroughly infuriating given how many lives will likely be lost to reach that point. And yet, something about Cuphead makes its cheeky trick endearing rather than enraging.

It’s one of a large number of moments in The Delicious Last Course [geddit!? - Ed], the (very) long-awaited DLC expansion for Cuphead which was announced way back in June 2018, a year before the base game had even come to Switch. Fans will almost unanimously agree that it’s been worth the wait, even if it is a little on the short side.
The Delicious Last Course consists of between five and seven new stages, depending on how you play (one is hidden and the other can’t be accessed if you play on the easier Simple difficulty), as well as five challenge stages. Each main level consists of an entirely new boss battle, and each is similarly epic compared to the boss fights encountered in the main game. From a lengthy scrap with an ice wizard who can turn into a snowman and a refrigerator, to the Moonshine Mob – a gang of criminal bugs led by a devious snail – each boss is brimming with just as much character as those already encountered by Cuphead fans.
It should be noted, though, that if you’re a fan of the run ‘n' gun sections from the main game, your needs won’t really be catered for here. Of the seven main stages in this DLC, six of them start right away with a boss battle and the remaining one is an aeroplane shoot ‘em up stage. This does also mean players can’t gather coins in the usual method – in the main game, most of the coins are found in those run ‘n' gun stages – but there’s a series of five new challenge battles with a new character called the King of Games which can be used to earn coins for the new power-ups available (such as the oddly powerful Crackshot weapon).

This is all well and good, but the most obvious new addition in The Delicious Last Course is Ms. Chalice, a new third character who can be summoned to take the place of Cuphead or Mugman if you apply the Astral Cookie charm. What this means, of course, is that you can’t apply any of the other charms, like Heart or Smoke Bomb, while you’re playing as Ms. Chalice, which on paper sounds like it should make playing as her a little harder. On the contrary – Ms. Chalice is packing her own set of buffs that actually make her the character of choice for anyone who wants a slightly easier time without straight-up dropping the difficulty.
Right off the bat, she starts each battle with four health points instead of three, making the Heart charm useless anyway. She also has a double-jump move – while Cuphead and Mugman can only get a second jump if they parry a pink object in mid-air, Ms. Chalice can double-jump whenever she feels like it. Her parry, then, is tied to the dash move instead, meaning she can parry pink objects by simply dashing into them, requiring less precise timing. Add to that her roll move, which makes her temporarily invincible, and you’ve got a new character who can get out of any tight squeeze without getting so much as a chip on her porcelain. Assuming you can get porcelain chalices. We dunno.

Ms. Chalice, then, provides an interesting halfway house between players who may be struggling with the Regular difficulty but don’t want to resort to dropping down to the Simple difficulty level, which often results in whole phases being missed out during boss fights (not to mention the fact that you need to beat every DLC stage in Regular to access the last one). The extra benefits she brings should make things a little easier for players who want to stick with Regular, but let’s be clear here, it doesn’t instantly make things a walkover or anything.
The bosses featured in The Delicious Last Course are just as fiendishly tricky (if not a little more so at times) than those in the main game, so if you’re concerned that the addition of this ‘easier’ character is part of an overall lessening of the game’s difficulty, then don’t worry — that isn’t the case. And of course, you can take on all the new stages as Cuphead or Mugman instead if you don’t want Ms. Chalice’s boosts. Meanwhile, for those who don’t necessarily want to play as Ms. Chalice but might fancy another little bit of help, the DLC also adds a new charm called Heart Ring to the in-game shop, which gives you a health point back when you perform your first, third and sixth parries during a battle.

The sum of all these parts is a wonderful final hurrah for a game that continues to stand as one of the best of its generation. It’s not the world’s longest expansion, coming in at about a quarter of the size of the main game (seven bosses compared to 28), but at only $8.99 / £6.79, it’s absolutely reasonably priced for what you get. Just make sure you don’t have any kids around while you’re playing, in case you end up joyfully shouting the same word we did.
Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course is a great little expansion that adds new life to one of the Switch's most entertaining games. It may be a tad on the short side but what's here is absolutely fantastic and it's reasonably priced to take its length into account. If you have the original, this is essential. If you don't, they both are.
Comments 40
The run and gun levels were my least favourite part of the original game, so that would be a positive for me.
People saying it short as a negative, fine, but for me, it’s quality over quantity, the final boss will tell you that, the animation is off the charts and frankly, 8$ is criminal for this dlc, the animations are 100 times better, then the base game, everything is even more wacky, and they even added a secret boss and phase!
There is also the fact they did remove the run in guns, but look at the fun parry challenges we got in return!
10/10 For me.
felt the bosses were overpacked. like projectiles comin in from every direction, very RNG dependent whether you would get hit or not. sometimes absolutely unavoidable (like the geese and gnomes in the giant boss) but $8 for more cuphead? Take the money
@Abeedo True, I always appreciate it when devs decide to focus on the best part of the game instead of including everything that's "supposed" to be in the game of that genre. To be fair there weren't many run-and-gun levels so they were a nice change of pace without being too much.
I dunno man. almost all boss fights. the plane shooter levels were my favourite, was hoping for maybe 2 or 3 of those levels. boss fights are nice, but mostly they are better when broken up with different level styles. Would have been nice to have just one run'n'gun level.
Please release the physical version soon with this included. That's the only thing I wanted for.
Such a beautiful game, especially on an OLED screen! I'll wait for the physical release to play the DLC. I'm glad to see it's getting great reviews.
Nice to know that Miss Chalice makes the game a bit easier for noobs like me that absolutely struggle on Normal and don't see the point in Easy when you can't complete the game.
Shame about the lack of run and gun levels, as I loved them in the base game, but I’m really enjoying Cuphead’s Delicious Last Course so far.
Historically, I believe the run and gun levels were introduced because Microsoft specifically requested them, to avoid the gaming being purely a boss rush.
Now the the DLC is finally out, I'm looking forward to the inevitable physical release announcement. They said some time ago that Cuphead wouldn't get a physical release until this DLC was done.
Ms. Chalice looks like a blast to play as. Call me a noob if you want, but I think I’m gonna need her extra abilities if I’m gonna have a chance lol
‘Reasonably priced’…….it’s insanely good value for money.
Parry Challenges, the best bosses, the best character, new powers. This DLC is cheap (U$3,99 in my country) and incredible! This game is just perfect!
between this and the Elechead review, what's with points being docked for the games being short? most people don't have time for multiple games that span many hours - i'd go as far as to say that it's a positive for me that it won't take a terribly long time to play through the whole game
I always want to play cuphead and the reviews make it and the DLC sound so good, but there's something about the art I find deeply disturbingly; complete nightmare fuel. I'm not quite sure why. 😖
This expansion reminded me of how challenging Cuphead really is. Fittingly, the new bosses are definitely some of the hardest in the entire game. But I welcome the challenge, and they were, by and large, a lot of fun. Although I do agree a few of them are too busy compared to the fights in the main game.
Also wish the Run'n'Gun stages had returned. The expansion feels a little anemic without them.
One of my favorite games of all time. I'm here for whatever these amazing developers decide to go for next.
Without at least one run 'n gun it does feel a little incomplete to me.
You could take out one of the bosses, maybe the freeze one.
Moonshine Mob might be my favourite stage of the whole game.
I felt it was unneccessary to make the dlc bosses even harder;
it's been 4 years, most people probably aren't at the top of their Cuphead game.
Regarding price, it's worth bearing in mind that this dlc gives you the ability to use the new character and weapon/items throughout the main game as well.
@tankymctankus A game being short is almost always a bonus for me. I can only handle so many 50+ hour games a year.
Expected score but completely justified.
I couldn't finish the first one, loved it, but it was too tough for me.
you're correct that the review score isn't a mathematical formula but it is still a point-based review system with the length of the game being listed as only one of two 'cons'. in the case of Elechead, the length was the only 'con' listed and it scored 8/10. i feel you're being pedantic with the language i've used in my comment when the overall point is that the short length of the game is being represented as a shortcoming. i'm not under the illusion that the score under these reviews is calculated but having a bullet-pointed list of 'pros' and 'cons' above a review score implies that those qualities had an effect on the weighting of the score from the reviewer, no?
This DLC feels as relentless as the base game. It may not be for everyone, but once you learn the patterns of the bosses it makes for a rewarding experience.
Really hope the Moonshine Mob makes an appearance in The Cuphead Show eventually. They quickly became one of my favorite characters next to The Root Pack and Ribby and Croaks.
I've been holding out for a physical release of Cuphead since it was announced for other platforms. Now that the DLC is out, I hope that day comes soon.
I love this game, but man do I suck at it. Presently stuck on the anteater segment of the insect themed boss. I find it's attacks difficult to predict.
Taking the L on this, some of the other games I want that are currently on discount and MK8 DLC because I want to get Xenoblade Chronicles 3 at launch.
Just saw couple of bosses on YouTube from the DLC and the animation looks absolutely stunning!
For such a hard game the DLC being short is not a bad thing!
Once they release it physically I am 100% getting it!!!
Not for me I'm afraid. As much as I like Cuphead and respect the time and effort the developers put into it the reality is I play games to unwind and relax which is why I will not be buying this.
The opening cutscene glitched out and didn’t play in its entirety for me. Did this happen to anyone else? After years of waiting I must admit I felt a bit cheated.
Fixed it.
I did experience the same death as the reviewer, and basically had the same reaction - a smirk and a “you sneaky *****” mutter. I wasn’t even looking at the screen when I died, haha.
What I want to see from a Cuphead 2:
*a return to the difficulty level of the main game
*a sound alert for when your special is ready
*a health bar for bosses
*narrative cutscenes:
I quite like how random the bosses are with little to no explanation, but I feel like a sequel to move forward and distinguish itself, could use some story for each stage
*Chalice as a proper full character
*return of Run 'N Gun levels
*different world terrain: feel like a sequel should be a bit more adventurous with the overworld look, and reckon we should be done with the Inkwell Isles
*option to retry a stage and change the difficulty, without exiting to the map
Tempted. It's been a while since I've completed Cuphead and I feel I'd be out of practice on this, but I loved this game. The animation is just fantastic and it runs so well on the Switch. I'll likely pick it up, die a thousand times, curse to the moons, and still have a blast. Heck, that's exactly what I'm experiencing right now with Elden Ring, haha.
They’ve done a great job both extending the game with a whole new final phase, and filling in a few blanks in their spot-on tribute to the classic cartoon era. They were able to add in some staple themes from that period like westerns and snowman beasts and bulldogs that they missed before, while adding a whole new fourth isle “world” that measures up to the original three.
Since isles 1 & 2 each had 5 bosses, this equals those. And since these bosses are a bit “grander” than some of those, it brings it a notch closer to isle 3’s 7 bosses. The secrets and King’s challenges stand in for the Run n’ Guns well enough. And the finale gave them the opportunity to raise the animation level to include something on the scale of early animated features of the era.
The whole package is now a more solid full game, and it’s still more of a bargain at $26 instead of all the $60 games out there. My sympathies to those still holding out for that fabled physical cart version. It sounds like they still aim to do it but it doesn’t sound like it will be speedy. I wonder if they can manage to match the price of the digital version, though. Even if they came in just under $40, it would still be a value title. Bravo, indeed!
This reminded me that I need to get back to Cuphead, I played it on my bro's Xbox years back and bought it on Switch but never actually got around to it there. I just ahead and bought the dlc since it was only 8 bucks(with how long ago it was announced and just now came out I thought it was gonna be a longer $20 release, I'm kinda glad it's on the shorter side)
I would have preferred maybe one run 'n gun, but either way the DLC was incredible and I have loved it.
I just bought it on PC over the weekend. I wanted to return to Cuphead by now, but didn't get around to it. Ended up playing a lot of original NES in the last couple of months. But, as I was taking advantage of the Steam sale, I've been playing a lot of Streets of Rage 4(love that CRT filter), Panzer Paladin, and Steel Assault, first. TMNT Shredder's Revenge won't run for me as of yet, but I'll work on that. I expect to be on the Cuphead DLC within a couple of days. Cuphead was definitely hard, but its difficulty was often overstated, in my opinion, partly because games like that aren't so common anymore. So far, Steel Assault feels on par, or perhaps tougher. I loved the base Cuphead game, and I expect to enjoy the DLC. I hope the DLC does well for the developer considering how labor intensive their current style seems to be.
Run and gun levels were only added because some people complained that there can't be "just a boss rush game without anything else but boss fights" (they were wrong). Not that those levels were bad but bosses were the main focus of Cuphead so I'm glad DLC has only boss fights.
I can agree, I've played much harder modern games too. I enjoyed the original Cuphead a lot and spent a good 8 hours playing with my Gamecube controller. Meanwhile a friend of mine complained that the game was too short and completed Cuphead in 2 hours with a keayboard.
A classic.
Agree with all of you on the run-n'-gun stages in the original. I liked the thought and the extra content, but definitely glad they got cut in favor of, say, the very cool new parry stages.
Hah! The core game drives my absolutely nuts, you must be an absolute master by now.
@Serpenterror :
I am also waiting for a physical release!
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