- Number of Players
- 1 (Single Player)
- Genre
- Release Date
Wii (Wii Shop)
7th May 2007, 800 points
27th Apr 2007, 800 points
17th Apr 2007, 800 points
Super Nintendo
6th Aug 2014
3rd Oct 2013
3rd Oct 2013
Wii U eShop
3rd Oct 2013, £5.49
3rd Oct 2013, $7.99
New Nintendo 3DS (3DS eShop)
14th Jul 2016, $7.99
8th Sep 2016, £7.19
- Also Available On
- Series
- Controller Support
Review Final Fight (3DS eShop / SNES)
Not quite the final word
In the late '80s and early '90s gamers gathered around arcade cabinets instead of playing from the comfort of their own homes, and one of the biggest draws in arcades of the day was undoubtedly Capcom's Final Fight. When Final Fight released for the Super Nintendo in the early '90s, some gamers weren't very pleased with it,...
Review Final Fight (Wii U eShop / SNES)
Because the world needs more wrestling mayors
Back in the late '80s and early '90s — when arcades were still the biggest draw for dedicated gamers — Capcom was the company to beat when it came to coin-op success. It produced a string of classics around this time, most of which saw conversions on the popular home consoles of the period. While...
Review Final Fight (Wii Virtual Console / Super Nintendo)
Oh my car
Final Fight is one of those coin-ops that defines a generation. It was simply the only arcade game to be seen playing in the late 80's/early 90's. When the SNES conversion was confirmed, I was heartbroken - being a Mega Drive owner, I had hoped that the (false) rumours of a Sega port were true (Sega fans had to wait until the Mega CD...
Screenshots 6
Final Fight News
Random Capcom Survey Asks If Fans Want Sequels To Okami, Dino Crisis, More
Yes to all
Capcom has launched a rather elaborate survey dubbed 'Super Elections' via its Capcom Town website, in which it is asking fans ten questions relating to its games and business. Answering all ten questions will grant users eligibility to win one of three prizes: a Capcom wood badge set, a key art catalogue, and Capcom Hanafuda. The most...
News Final Fight Free To Download For A Limited-Time In Capcom Arcade Stadium
Get it while you can!
If you're into retro gaming and enjoy classic beat 'em ups you won't want to miss out on this latest offer. Capcom has made its classic arcade title Final Fight a free download in its Capcom Arcade Stadium collection for a limited time. It'll require 6MB of space to install, and obviously, you'll need to have the Capcom Arcade...
News 30 Years On, The Fan-Made 'Final Fight Ultimate' Is Set To Reignite The 16-bit Console War
Punching up
Final Fight is one of the definitive games of the side-scrolling beat 'em up genre, no doubt about it. Released in arcades in 1989, the game was ported to the SNES the following year, with multiple things missing such as Level 4, an entire character, and no two-player mode. Despite being something of a flawed conversion, the fact that...
Quick Beats Pulstar, Mega Man, And Final Fight Composer Talks Joe Hisaishi And The Beatles
"I wish I had done one of the Mario games. Maybe Mario Party"
Throughout the Nintendo Life Video Game Music Festival we're speaking to a range of composers and musicians for a mixture of in-depth interviews and shorter, sharper (and perhaps a little goofier) Q&As where we ask just ten rapid-fire personal questions; we're calling these shorter...
Poll Box Art Brawl #11 - Final Fight
Almost certainly NOT the final fight
Welcome to this week's Box Art Brawl, the ongoing series where box art variants from around the world face off against one another to find out which is the fairest of them all. Who wins? You decide. Last week we featured GoldenEye 007 and the world's best known (and therefore presumably worst) secret agent...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 4th)
Here are our picks, but what are yours?
Yet another week has flown by, and it's finally time for the weekend (with an added bank holiday in the UK - hooray!). This week we had the drama of an indie game being removed from the eShop for being a bit naughty, and a whole lot more drama with that Sonic trailer, but now it's time to chat about what we'll...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 10th)
Here are our picks, but what are yours?
Once again, we find ourselves at the end of another week, and now it's time for Team Nintendo Life to gather 'round and discuss all of the lovely games we'll be playing over the next couple of days. We've got demon slaying, RPG beating, and even some real-life Pokémon catching on the agenda this week, so make...
News Trio Of SNES Classics Get MSU1 Digital Audio Soundtracks
Street sweeping, alien blasting, intergalactic racing triple combo
The community of Super Nintendo enthusiasts has been truly pushing the envelope above and beyond this year. There has never been such a great number of MSU1 audio enhancement patches released in such a short amount of time ever since byuu developed the chip back in 2012. Let us take...
Video Take To The Streets With This Complete History Of Final Fight
Oh! My car
Before Street Fighter II arrived on the scene, Final Fight was the best option for arcade-going brawl fans. Capcom's seminal coin-op smash took the template laid down by classics like Double Dragon and Renegade and introduced bigger sprites, a more intuitive control scheme and - perhaps most importantly - a moustached wrestling mayor...
Nintendo Download 8th September (Europe)
Ace Attorney! Jotun! 140! Final Fight trilogy! Much more!
With the start of another week we have the European Nintendo Download Update details, and this time around there's plenty on offer. We have some highly promising options on the Wii U, while the 3DS has a major release from Capcom and a trilogy of SNES releases on the New 3DS Virtual Console...
About The Game
Jessica had it all. She was the daughter of former wrestling star and mayor of Metro City Mike Haggar and girlfriend to Cody Travers, one of the coolest and toughest boys around. But now she has been mysteriously kidnapped!
Take to the streets with either Haggar or Cody and fight your way across town deep into the turf of the Mad Gear Gang. As you cross town, fight with all your strength to save the one you love.
Enjoy unmatched beat 'em up action in this arcade classic, and discover just who is behind the Mad Gear Gang in what may be Metro City's final fight.
Comments 51
Awesome!!!! Good, No great one, Capcom! Now if they can just release the likes of Mega Man X and etc.!!!!
No pressure though, Capcom! Just keep those classics coming!!
Final Fight was alot better in the arcade. The SNES port wasn't that great in my opinion.
it was a beautiful game, and it's still is but a fighting game where you can only play solo is, to me, madness.
It's a good game, but the sequels are better (and the Mega CD version too), and Streets of Rage 2 is better than all of them!
IMO Capcom was and still is better then Sega
maybe SOR2 is better than this, but not better then all of them
Finally managed to beat it. Pulling off spin attacks with the GameCube controller is freaking horrible, for the love of all that's sacred, buy a Classic Controller for this game.
The Mega CD port was better (apart from the dire colours).
Hmmm... ok week but I think there are others to buy before these. Oh and I totally agree, Streets of Rage was so much better. But then again, what side scroller/beat em up can do better than streets?
Does this version have two player because I remember Mighty Final Fight for NES was only one player.
Josh - as the review says it is just one player.
Awsome game can't wait till Mortal Kombat comes out on VC either the SNES or Sega
oh! my car ;_; X3
Brilliant, much better than I expected. Such a shame there's no multiplayer though, they could have added the feature on...
I would like to know which is the best side scroller/ beat 'em up game on the Turbo Grafx 16, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, or Nintendo 64. Please tell me which one you think is best. I ask of this because I don't want to waste any Wii Points on any game if there is going to be a better version of it.
No Mendez, very few games are altered from their original release. Even then its because the alterations were necessary (Kid Icarus' password system and the removal of the offical licenses on Tecmo Bowl) - unfortunately alterations to make the game more fun aren't implemented yet. I was very shocked at all the people on GameFAQs who were angry with this game for not being identical to the arcade when it was made available to download.
Best side scroller fighting game? Thats easy - Streets of Rage 2 and I haven't even played it yet.
You said it, Bass. Roxy & Poison were replaced by Billy & Sid (If I'm right), there's no co-op, one stage was missing (along with guy), & it was very censored. The arcade version is definitely better. You can find the arcade version of this on Capcom Classics Collection: Volume 1 on X-Box or PS2, or CCC: Remixed on PSP.
It's a pretty good game, if not a little too difficult. A good game if you're into beat em ups.
One of the best scrolling fighting game.
Final Fight was and still is the best scrolling beat'm up ever!! I never understood people who think streets of rage is better. To me it's just one of the many clones, who ripped of numerous gangmembers, bosses and stages from this awesome classic! Final Fight rules!!!
but why did they omit guy and the 2 player mode? since the snes could cleary do 2 player games like final fight 2 and 3 and rival turf?
Final Fight 1 was one of the early SNES games so Capcom were still getting to grips with the SNES hardware. The two player option would have been killed to prevent slowdown and memory constraints are most likely the reason why Guy is not playable in this version.
The SNES was obviously capable of a fully featured conversion of FF but at the time gamers were just glad to get their hands on an almost arcade perfect home version of this excellent game despite the flaws.
i'm curious about this one. i love beat 'em ups and in beat 'em up land, capcom always delivers (X-men: mutant apocalypse, knights of the round, dungeons and dragons: tower of doom, magic sword, king of dragons, captain commando, etc...).
i remember when i was younger, i played this a lot in the arcade and i think i rented this port a few times. still, i can't remember how good the port actually was. i remember final fight 2 rocked but i can't for the life of me remember anything about this port.
meh... i'll just wait until final fight 2 i guess. at least i have the streets of rage games to tide me over...
does anyone remember if mighty final fight had two player co-op?
Note that Capcom released a rental-only game named Final Fight Guy, which was identical to the original in every way except one: Cody is out, and Guy is in.
Final Fight is a fun game, but since it's only single player it gets knocked down a star.
I can't see people downloading Final Fight Guy if they already downloaded the original SNES Final Fight game.
I wonder when they'll put Final Fight 2 and 3 on Virtual Console. I know Capcom doesn't like those two games much (apparently Nintendo made them make sequels to cash in on the original's popularity) but they're still better than most Virtual Console games. I'd also like NES Mighty Final Fight some time.
Having played all of the Final Fight games (except for Revenge), I can't give this more than three stars. Final Fight 3 beats this original completely in terms of fun.
Eh. It was the best-looking beat 'em up of its day, but the lack of 2-player support on the SNES version REALLY hurts it. It definitely has its moments if you don't mind going solo but for this sort of thing Streets of Rage 2 & 3 are better in nearly every way, especially if you've got a friend along.
I bought this game because I loved the arcade version but I was completely disappointed with this version. I had forgotten that sometimes when arcade games are released to consoles they often don't translate well. BAD PURCHASE!!!!
I played the SNES version of this game years ago in a hotel that offered SNES games for extra cost. Back then I didn't realize how lacking the SNES version of this game is. No Guy, bad music, bad name changes (Why Thrasher instead of Damnd? WHY!?), you have to start at the beginning of the level every time you die, even one of the stages was omitted. Even the emulation of this game on Final Fight Streetwise was better. In short, even if you're a Final Fight fan like me, do not buy this game. Hopefully, Sega CD games will one day become available in VC and you can buy Final Fight CD instead. It's got everything this port lacks.
@Bass X0: Agreed. I'd have nothing against seeing Final Fight 2, as I still think it's an okay brawler. But Final Fight 3 is what's it's all about...
Peeps, keep an eye out fir Final Fight 3. You might just think it kicks Streets of Rage 3s tooshie.
Not as good as streets of rage.
I remember this game from the coin ups, but it a little worst, I will wait for the Mega CD version, if someday is possible....
One sentence:
"Go for it!"
No Guy No Buy
Not as good as Streets of Rage 2.
ten months later and I'm still wondering where Final Fight 2 is...
I remember when this game was only on import for the SNES and was the most impressive game pre- Streetfighter 2. Its actually an ok game but you'll get pretty bored of it after a while. Out of this and Streets Of rage I'd pick SoR, more options and a better game even if doesnt look as good
I like Final Fight a lot but I would much rather have the Sega CD version than the SNES version. The Sega CD version had all three characters, a really good soundtrack and a better intro & ending.
Would you say Haggard is a Republican? Democrats don't seem as prone to piledriving people on the subway.
"Why Thrasher instead of Damnd? WHY!?"
Because America is full of those lovely perplexities that mean you can buy hardcore porn and guns but not say a mild curseword for fear of bringing down civilisation as we know it!
See also "Oh, my car" replacing "Oh, My God"
NOA must have been run by Puritans back then!
This is a good conversion despite it being single player only and missing Guy, but where the hell are Final Fight 2 and 3? We've got the entire Streets of Rage trilogy, so why don't Capcom and Nintendo complete the FF trilogy already?! I think the sequels are better if only for the fact that they have co-op mode.
Come on Nintendo, put 2 & 3 on Virtual Console!
i didnt play this for long, but thats cuz i wanted final fight 2, which is multiplayer
its awesome game to fight, the 2 best ones are double dragon 2 and final fight 2 imo, mostly for multiplayer, but also cuz i know them best (that also is cuz of multiplayer)
so wont buy this one in case final fight 2 comes on VC, which i will buy once it is here
Where are the Final fight 2 and 3?
Its bad enough they have lame games every week and not enough sequels.
What are they doing back there?
I'm dieing to play the sequels, so much crappy titles so little time are they on crack or something?
I hear you, Matt. Especially after its been so long since the three Streets of Rage games have been released on VC. For whatever reason though, the Super Nintendo is getting a poor deal out of the VC and many games that should be on are not. I'd download Mighty Final Fight if they released it on the NES VC though.
Did Final Fight 3 ever get released in Europe? I know it didn't see a large release in the States, at the very least.
Final Fight was one of my favorite arcade games as a kid, so I was pretty excited when I got my Wii and made this one of my first purchases. I have to say I was somewhat disappointed; all concerns about the Super NES version aside, this game is just way too difficult. Hopefully the arcade versions of this and the Double Dragon series are released one of these days, though I get the feeling Nintendo is winding down Virtual Console. 6 out of 10
game was only 8meg and a launch game. If it came out a year later could have added a two player mode and the missing stage.
When it came out it looked amazing, but now dated. Glad ive got the gameboy advance version.
Hopefully, they will release the SegaCD-version or the Arcade-version. =)
I'm going to have to give in and buy one of these Final Fight games if Rival Turf doesn't come out soon.
Too bad the SNES game didn't have Guy in it, I know Capcom later released the game again called it the Guy version.
the arcade version of final fight is better
The Mega cd (sega cd) version had all Three fighters, and was almost arcade perfect, but sadly the Mega cd was not prefect. A gem in the small Mega cd libary.
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