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- 1 (Single Player)
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Wii (Wii Shop)
24th Nov 2008, 800 points
12th Dec 2008, 800 points
Review Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure (Virtual Console / Sega Mega Drive)
While investigating Professor Stinkbaum's lab, Boogerman stumbles upon a strange machine that opens a portal to another dimension.
Almost everybody knows Earthworm Jim - But Boogerman, which was created inbetween the first two Jim games, is much less familiar. This is a bit unjust, as it's every bit as quirky and fun as the aforementioned series...
Screenshots 9
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure News
News Proposed Boogerman Reboot Will Feature Earthworm Jim
16-bit icons stick together
We recently reported on a Kickstarter campaign to make a new version of Boogerman, a gross 16-bit platformer which originally appeared on the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis back in the '90s. The creators are seeking $375,000 to fund the project and have raised just over $24,000 so far, with 27 days remaining. They'll no doubt...
News EU VC Update: Last Ninja 3, Impossible Mission II and Boogerman
After a short hiatus, the Commodore 64 is back with two new games - One is easily one of the most stunning games on the system, while the other is a good platform/action game. They're accompanied by a platformer on the Mega Drive.
Last Ninja 3 is the final part of the Last Ninja series. It's basically more of the same - Explore your isometric...
It's just one game again this week, and unfortunately it's neither of the big-name titles (Castlevania III and Phantasy Star IV) which Europe recently got. What you get instead is Interplay's next title.
Boogerman is a rather average game in terms of gameplay - Just run and jump your way through the stages. What really sets it apart from other...
News Three Interplay-Owned Franchises Coming to VC
Gaming news site Gamasutra has reported something which will no doubt please many - 3 franchises currently owned by Interplay are making their way to VC.
After the recent relaunch of Interplay's website, there was some speculation on if there would be resurrections of the franchises shown around the company's logo. Well, these aren't exactly...
About The Game
In this top pick from the Sega Genesis, play as Boogerman, the heroic alter ego of Snotty Ragsdale. While investigating Professor Stinkbaum's lab, Boogerman stumbles upon a strange machine that opens a portal to another dimension. Boogerman has a nose for adventure, but has he met his match in this sticky situation?
Journey through dangerous worlds while battling wicked enemies like Fly Boy and Deodor Ant. Deal them a blow with Boogerman's super abilities: pick and flick with deadly precision, belch, and use his deadly signature stomp.
Comments 36
This game really seems to show off the Megadrive's ability to display the colour green..............................
This was a good game
I've never played this game, but I remember reading about the gross humor this game featured. As a matter of fact, short of the commercials, this is the only time I've seen actual gameplay footage. The animations looks spectacular for the 16-bit generation, I'll give it that. Past that, I see no reason for me to download this one when available. I'd rather see Conker 64 on the VC if I wanted a potty humor fix (which I know may never happen).
I've never played this game, but I remember reading about the gross humor this game featured. As a matter of fact, short of the commercials, this is the only time I've seen actual gameplay footage. The animations looks spectacular for the 16-bit generation, I'll give it that. Past that, I see no reason for me to download this one when available. I'd rather see Conker 64 on the VC if I wanted a potty humor fix (which I know may never happen).
Umm...replace "may" with "will" and you'll have it right, Thomas. No amount of wishful thinking could change that, especially not after Live and Reloaded. Don't miss Boogerman, though, it's a good game. I'd prefer to see the SNES version on VC, but Genesis is better than not at all, especially if you've never played the game.
Makes me wonder when the flatulent, greenhouse gas emitting sequel, "Fartman" is coming out.
LOL; I M 2 Crude!
Man this brings back memories. I was thinking about this game just the other day
i loved this game so much. dont listen to nintendobrad...the colors are bright and the artwork (especially for the backgrounds) are extremely colorful and detailed. and its not hard at all, just reallllly long (which is good. and nintendobrad probably just sucks at games
Fun character, but the game gets boring once the novelty of tossing boogers and farting wears off. The graphics hurt my eyes, but I did like the quirky soundtrack.
I used to love this game back then as a kid, Looking at it now. I dont know how well it holds up now with the poddy type humor.
I dont know what to think of this.. is it good. The way that the game works looks alot like Earthworm Jim which was its rival at the time.. But lost hands down i think..
Yuck! This game would have been embarressing back when I was a kid! I'm too old for this now, no matter if it's good or not, I don't like potty jokes anymore.
@arobo. Yeah! All those shades of green, black, and brown look REAL snazzy and detailed! Sarcasm aside, I will say that this game sure does animate well, especially for it's time.
And yea, this game sure does seem like a relic from the Ren & Stimpy era, which it is. Sorry, but I don't find gratutious toilet humor very amusing anymore. That's soooo 1993.
probably my most rented SNES game. I LOVED THIS GAME. I liked it because i was at that age where "Fart" jokes were funny. It was difficult and i remember the feeling of achievment when i finally beat it. but I think if i played it nowadays i would find it to be Lame and boring.
That is one bizzare soundtrack!
This game wasn't very good in its own time, and the years haven't been kind to it, gameplay wise.
Well, Wario is the current game king of farting and picking his nose.
Definitly one of my favorite games growing up... but seriously now, WHERE IS ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS!
Definitly one of my favorite games growing up... but seriously now, WHERE IS ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS!
Not happening. Lucusarts for whatever reason want to deny they ever had a past that was making good non-Star Wars games.
Pocketim, it was rated MA-13. The old-school version of a Teen rating. Pretty appropriate rating, I'd say.
I've noticed a lot of people hating on this week's release. Sure, it's no Castlevania III, but this game really is quite fun(ny).
I played this as a kid and it doesn't deserve 4/5 b/c that would be saying its as good as Earthworm Jim (4/5) and it's not.
1 = garbage
2 = nostalgia
3 = good but uncreative game
4 = good creative game
5 = masterpiece
this gets 3/5 as its company shovel ware in between good o'l jim
I think I rather stick with Earthworm Jim. I don't think I can stomach this game. Weirdest and stupidest idea for a game about boogers. EWW!
I love the soundtrack and the sprite animations, the humor is a wannabe earthworm jim(not even close man), and the gameplay looks bland.
Personally, I thought the SNES was better in terms of graphics, and sound. (The vocal sounds were better to. "BOOGER!")
The animation is indeed funny, amusing, and well done, and somehow makes the game even more fun to play. The game isn't entirelly innovative, or brings anything new to games, but it's silly, (in a good way) and amusing, I say regardless. Of course, I admit I have a rather strange sence of humor, but I don't always like really really vulgar stuff.
Also, to people putting down the game for it's crude humor, and overtones, personally there are much more vulgar & immature games out there then this. (Just look at Duke Nukem.) This game isn't that edgey or repulsive compared to alot stuff on TV nowadays, I say.
I notice, nobody's complaining about Wario's farts in Brawl, and the booger & such references in the Wario Ware series. (Remember the pinball minigame with balls coming out of Wario's nose?)
To quote a Nintendo Power writer, who put this on their favorite games list, "Thank you Boogerman, for teaching us not to take our jobs to seriouslly."
Putting the presentation aside for a sec, what we have here is a very repetitive game with the usual oldschool flaws like floaty control and trial & error level design.
I'd like to know how many people that think they are above the type of content/humor that boogerman has are male. It would surprise me if most of you were (no insult intended at all), it just seems, in my opinion/experience, that most men or boys wouldn't really have such an issue with this.
@ Thomas- why would you prefer to play Conker to this game? I've actually played some of the origional Conker: Bad Fur Day and it has "worse" things IMO (fighting poo monster, wetting on fire imps?,etc...) than even this seems too have. Is it a 2d verses 3d thing or what? Just curious.
I think people are unfairly judging this (at least the people who haven't played it), just because they think they are above this/too good for this. Do you really feel this way, just going with the crowd, or just afraid to admit that you might be interested in a game like this?
To anyone who thinks you're too grown up for this, some people would think that about about adults playing videogames. Does that stop you from playing games?
i never really liked this game back then, but that was coz i was wating to have the money for ewj2 at the end is not that bad, but it gets tired in the middle. and OF COURSE snes graphs as usual are better.
@Longtimegamer -
I dont think thomas was saying that conker's toilet humour was and better or worse than boogerman's, just that if he were to play a game to enjoy said humour, he would rather go with conker.
I totally agree, boogerman is a relic from the time when every other game was a 2d platformer cast from a mould, where as Conker is a true master-piece (Live&Reloaded is my all time favourite game - I would dread to think how much time I have spent with it.).
My thoughts on Boogerman however is a solid meh. It's not a bad game, but the humour doesnt interest me enough to make me play what is otherwise a very standard platformer.
Dang, I would never guess that a game about boogers would be any good at all. The review doesn't change my mind though, I will never buy it.
They could've "picked" a much better game to re-release.
I loved Earthworm Jim (still working on it, up to Intestinal Distress), but this game looks terribly average by comparison. I think I'll save my points for Earthworm Jim 2.
This game looks like one of those polarized games. People either love it or hate it. I might pick it up, but I got a lot of other games I want to get before I get this game. It does look kinda fun though.
For me this game represents the most loathsome aspects of the 16 bit console wars.
The irritating, in your face, were so cool and daring, look at what offensive stuff we can do Mega Drive vs the equally repulsive "not on our machine", morally correct and responsible, "we'll be censoring that" SNES.
Except this was a multi-platform title and not very controversial at all.
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