
Topic: US back to 2 VC releases a week?

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October 26th has two VC games: Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Golden Axe. Could this be a sign that we'll be getting two VC releases each week for sometime to catch up?



It probably won't be 2 games EVERY week, but we'll probably have more 2 a weeks than we used to.



I don't think this will change anything much. I think we will still get only 1 VC title. Maybe 2 on occasion.

Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?



Lets hope you still get a VC game next week. Last time America got two VC games in one week, the week after didn't have a VC game at all presumably to keep the "one per week" routine going.

Edgey, Gumshoe, Godot, Sissel, Larry, then Mia, Franziska, Maggie, Kay and Lynne.

I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing happens!


Bass+X0 wrote:

Lets hope you still get a VC game next week. Last time America got two VC games in one week, the week after didn't have a VC game at all presumably to keep the "one per week" routine going.

That is exaclty right. After we got Pulseman and Secret Command we got nothing for 2 weeks unitl Tecmo Bowl. I don't think the 2 game per week trend will continue but maybe with they will release repeat games like R-type and Solmon's key on 2 game weeks. I feel pretty certain that Fighting Street will be out in November and possibly a C64 game like Impossible mission or Cybernoid and a Master System title like Wonderboy III. Sonic and Knuckles or EJ 2 would be a real treat.

Reopen the Wii Shop Channel


Well we do have a lot of games stuck in the que. I mean not counting Smash Bros, Pilotwings, Solomon's Key, Shinobi, R-Type and Wonder Boy III and 10 or so C64 titles, games which Europe has that we don't, a lot more Virtual Console titles have been showing up on the ESRB list lately. Not to mention all those games released already in Japan like Mario Kart, Final Fantasy II and Kirby Super Star which are sure to come to the US at some point. I think it's unlikely we'll go back to two games every week but we might just see a lot more two game weeks then we have been in the coming months.

Of course if we get NOTHING next week then we'll know for sure NOA sucks.

Future Wii purchases:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid: Other M
Zelda Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Sin and Punishment 2


Maybe people should give nintendo some positive feedback on this 2 game VC week. Don't know if that would encourage them. More sales probably would.

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Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
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Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


You can't extract one instance in a string of random instances and call it a trend. Who knows what we'll get next week, but my guess is that it'll be either something, or nothing.



The no-VC release weeks did not become the norm, so I doubt the 2-VC release weeks will also be the norm.
Of course, longtimegamer-san is VERY right. (After all, the emphasis on WiiWare was due to customer tendencies, so customers should be the ones to dictate the new trend!)



I'm still waiting for Rocket Knight Adventures so if it's release sooner by putting more then one VC per week game idea then yes.




I doubt it.

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It's OK to have an opinion. This ain't the Soviet Union you know.
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Switch Friend Code: SW-2350-3570-9923


More Wii owners - more Wii games ... and also more VC releases.


I doubt that we'll return to two-game week. In fact, I wouldn't be surprise if we got no Virtual Console games next week. Of course I'll deal with it since it (Sadly) makes up for the two-game week we had yesterday.

Let's hope NOA choose otherwise and release a VC game next Monday.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1409-9782-5984 | X:


Hopefully, but I'm still not holding my breath yet.

When I run out of Wii and DS games I will.

But given the games coming out for Wii and DS soon, it won't be for awhile.



I have an idea. Every week, Nintendo has a poll on what game(s) would be realeased that week from a list of choices. Then we could finally get what we want.


I would love that ^



Rapadash6 wrote:

Not to mention all those games released already in Japan like Mario Kart, Final Fantasy II

LOL... You think FF II is coming? Hate to break it to ya, but the original NES version was never released outside of Japan. In order to release it on Virtual Console outside of Japan, the entire game would have to be translated. Not going to happen.

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"


@vio I'm pretty sure he meant FFII(US), which is technically FFIV



America just had another 2 VC game week (Fighting Street and R-Type SMS)



i don't want 2 vc a week any longer last time we had 2 weeks of 2 vc we went nearly a month without and this is my worry

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