other m was a groundbreaking game years ahead of it's time, and i'm sure it'll seem a lot more important to people once those mechanics show up in other games.
Those mechanics have already shown up in other games such as Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty and Dino Crisis 3. Other M is more a groundbreaking game behind the times. It's really not the best game of the year.
The year is not over, not till Epic Micke comes out in NA.
I will give my vote to Metroid: Other M, because it was just a masterpiece, having great (if not awesome) battles, a very nice story and well, because it was fun overall.
In the second place, but following close Other M, is Sin and Punishment 2: Star Succesor, for being the best shooter I have played in all my life, and a truly awesome replay value, oh and great bosses.
But thats not my final decision, because I haven't played Sonic Colors, Epic Mickey, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Goldeneye 007. Im sorry to disappoint MH tri fans, but I did not find the game soo great, but it was pretty good.
Those mechanics have already shown up in other games such as Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty and Dino Crisis 3.
i don't recall those games playing out like a 2D sidescroller in 3D, letting you flip and bounce off of walls and run at supersonic speeds with ease. i think the way they managed to bring super metroid's gameplay into 3D without all the compromises the prime games had to make in terms of mobility was a really big achievement.
I'd say it's a tie between Other M and Galaxy 2. After I play Returns, I can then fairly judge what the best was. ;P
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Topic: The best Wii game of 2010?
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