
Topic: The best Wii game of 2010?

Posts 41 to 60 of 134


romulux wrote:

other m was a groundbreaking game years ahead of it's time, and i'm sure it'll seem a lot more important to people once those mechanics show up in other games.

Those mechanics have already shown up in other games such as Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty and Dino Crisis 3. Other M is more a groundbreaking game behind the times. It's really not the best game of the year.

[Edited by Gamesake] my pants.


Monster hunter tri



Galaxy 2 from what I've played but the economy sucks so I've only bought 6 Wii games this year. (and one was Little King's Story)

Donkey Kong Country Returns might be better than Galaxy 2. I wouldn't be surprised.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


The year is not over, not till Epic Micke comes out in NA.

I will give my vote to Metroid: Other M, because it was just a masterpiece, having great (if not awesome) battles, a very nice story and well, because it was fun overall.

In the second place, but following close Other M, is Sin and Punishment 2: Star Succesor, for being the best shooter I have played in all my life, and a truly awesome replay value, oh and great bosses.

But thats not my final decision, because I haven't played Sonic Colors, Epic Mickey, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Goldeneye 007. Im sorry to disappoint MH tri fans, but I did not find the game soo great, but it was pretty good.

Man's worst enemy is laziness.



"They say video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock n' roll."


It's between SMG2, Other M, DKCR, Kirby, Sin and Punishment 2 and No More Heroes 2

[Edited by ArmoredGoomba]



ArmoredGoomba wrote:

It's between SMG2, Other M, DKCR, Kirby, Sin and Punishment 2 and No More Heroes 2

You are forgetting Monster Hunter Tri

PSN: Epic-ZX


With all these games, is it safe to say that 2010 was the best year for the wii so far?


kaw270 wrote:

With all these games, is it safe to say that 2010 was the best year for the wii so far?

It's definitely competing with 2008 for sure

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky


Gamesake wrote:

Those mechanics have already shown up in other games such as Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty and Dino Crisis 3.

i don't recall those games playing out like a 2D sidescroller in 3D, letting you flip and bounce off of walls and run at supersonic speeds with ease. i think the way they managed to bring super metroid's gameplay into 3D without all the compromises the prime games had to make in terms of mobility was a really big achievement.

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


I'd say it's a tie between Other M and Galaxy 2. After I play Returns, I can then fairly judge what the best was. ;P

“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” - "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."


Either Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Donkey Kong Country Returns. Let me play some Epic Mickey first to see who the winner is.

I'm back (for the moment)!


I love how only one person voted in that poll...and it won't let me vote. Totally rigged

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky

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