
Topic: standard 480i or widescreen 480p

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Those of you who experience their Wii titles in both standard 480i and widescreen 480p, which do you prefer?

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480p. a lot of people choose 480i over p since it blurs the jaggies out but wii games are going to be naturally jaggedy no matter what you do, covering up faults with more faults is a bad idea to me. progessive also cuts lag time on an HDTV by eliminating deinterlacing.
widescreen is an absolute good if your tv supports it, especially for shooting games where you need to see your surroundings at all times. should be no debate, if your tv supports 480p and widescreen use em! i wouldn't be able to play wii on my old crappy sdtv for anything at this point.

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


480p Because it makes text much sharper and the colors pop out more.


If you're playing on a CRT, 480i looks good. If you're on an HDTV, 480p is the best. Overall 480p is by far and away much better and sharper.

Plain old gamer :)


480p widescreen all the way!

I have a 42" Vizio LCD TV and the Wii looks great in 480p especially Metroid Prime Trilogy, The Conduit and Super Mario Galaxy. Also, VC games look more vibrant and crisp and you can finally take advantage of all those Gamecube games that came in 480p like F-Zero which looks fantastic!



480p FOR THE WIN! Playing 480i on a HDTV is just an embarrassing mess.

The Wii can't take advantage of anti-aliasing, which makes the games appear way too jagged...but 480p is definitely a step over 480i.

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irken004 wrote:

480p Because it makes text much sharper and the colors pop out more.


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Yes, 480p and widescreen look great on a nice LCD/LED TV. I was worried about lag and other problems, but after research, and after putting the games in "game mode", there was no lag, and it was indeed much more beautiful than the CRT.



I've never had a TV with anything fancier than S-video input until I moved to Japan earlier this month and took control of my fiancee's TV. Today I bought a D-terminal connector for my Wii, and it definitely looks a LOT better than trying to use S-video on a widescreen HDTV.



The component connection with 480p is the best by far.

It is indeed the connection/interface that allows more depth in color, compared to european scart or worse, usa yellow video cables. I always run my wii through component and run its audio back to my receiver. The audio experience is often worth more than the video one, don't forget.

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Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos! Thread necromancy time, sorry if it's a faux pas. I've hooked my Wii up to a big old chunky 21" CRT computer monitor I picked up cheap, using a WII2HDMI converter, and an HDMI>VGA converter plugged into that. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The monitor can not handle 480i or 576i though, which can be a problem sometimes, but seriously the 480p stuff is amazing. Way way better than the Wii U for original Wii games, and now also GameCube games via Nintendon't. It's given the old Wii a whole new lease of life. the converters are are only about a fiver each from eBay, and IIRC, the monitor only cost me a fiver or so as well. Best 'retro' gaming purchases ever!



Wow, what a bump there, @toxibunny. Took me a bit to realize that I was reading a thread from 2011.

I've gotta say, I believe you wholeheartedly. I recently got a Wii as a housewarming gift for someone who didn't have her own gaming console (or a way to stream Netflix and such on a TV). Her setup isn't nearly as fancy — it's just an off-the-rack 19- or 22-inch Emerson 720p LED flat panel, with the Wii hooked up via component for a 480p widescreen output. I always had my old Wii running in 480p widescreen on 32-to 37-inch CRT HDTV, but pairing the Wii's limited resolution with a smaller screen is just a beautiful experience. We've been playing things like Kirby's Epic Yarn, Twilight Princess, Animal Crossing: City Folk and Cooking Mama, and it just looks gorgeous — vibrant, contrasty, colorful, and crisp. Great little gaming setup all around.


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