
Topic: Phantasy Star IV fan club

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I got Phantasy Star IV this morning, and I am loving it! Right now, I'm about to enter the underground storage room in Tonoe to get the Alshline. I lol'ed at the bit about Alys's measurements. BTW, does anyone else think the Alys on the cover is sexy?



Phantasy Star 4 was one of my favorite Sega Genesis games during the 16 bit era and was the game that got my younger brother into rpgs. I Considered the one of the top 5 16 bit era rpg releases that I played.

I remembered renting the game back in 1995 and I got hooked on it.

[Edited by 7th_lutz]



I still remember being called out of town on business the day before this game was released and having to travel all over an unfamiliar town trying to find a copy of it the next day. Took me almost 3 hours, but I found it. Then stayed up that night at the hotel playing it until 3am only to have to get up 3 hours later to go to a computer tech workshop. But it was so worth it!

Plain old gamer :)


Ive always wanted to play this game. I think I will get it after I finish Final Fantasy II.

Fuzzy, Backloggery.

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