
Topic: Overturn First Impressions

Posts 21 to 40 of 46


It's funny how online WiiWare games tend to be the most popular.
Onslaught, Water Warfare, Texas Hold'em, and I bet this one will suddenly become popular as well.

Ah the good 'ol online starved Wii community. Take the hint Nintendo. Times are changing.

Also. I may as well get this game. I got 4000 Wii points (got After Years) and was going to get Monkey Island, but decided I'd rather get the PC version. And since I enjoyed Water Warfare, I may as well try another solid online game.



Dammit, I wanted to get Musketeers and Cave Story, and now this comes out. Well, if I'm lucky (sort of?) Cave Story won't be out by my birthday.

[Edited by retired_account]



Okay, I've noted your code Eggmiester, so let me know how you get on adding my code. Europeans with NA Wiis (or even better people with Japanese Wiis that have this) I'm keen to trade codes and try it online!

[Edited by Sean_Aaron]

BLOG, mail: [email protected]
Nintendo ID: sean.aaron


Well there's more to the setup than that. The system is actually quite good if you ask me. I'll be doing a vid of Overturn later this week when I get a chance so maybe I can show that off for inquiring minds.



@KnucklesSonic8- I got this yesterday (About when a couple of people started praising this (2 or 3 hrs?), but was busy trying to decide on mech colors and and playing through the single player twice.

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


Nice. Be sure to post your Friend Code in the other topic.



I've been thinking about this. I want to do something with my Board other than Wii Music and Fit. Maybe when I have points I'll get it.


There are plenty of other games you can use with your Balance Board as well, Equilibrio for example.



I got this game yesterday at 9am sharp, and have really enjoyed it. I was a fan of virtual on back in the day, and it does remind me of that. It took about an hour to get really comfortable with it for me. I have about 3 hours or so into it. I tried the balance board, first, it took a little bit of getting used to but it definitely works. There were 2 issues with it in my opinion:
1) my left thumb had no idea what to do.. holding a nunchuk, but not using the analog stick felt very odd. I found myself moving the stick in the direction I wanted to go anyways, and then forgot to lean.
2) Got tiring after a few matches.
I have mostly played now with the standard nunchuk+remote combo. Stuck at ace class. I hope the review gives it at least a 7, but i would give it an 8 or maybe 9, haven't played multiplayer yet, local or online. I am sre that is where it gets really fun.



I tried out single player last night, and so far this game is absolutely outstanding. It should get at least an 8, and quite likely a 9 or (dare I say it) a 10.

I have bad balance, and I don't like balance controls anyway, so I'm not even going to try the balance board with it. I wouldn't even have one if my mom hadn't insisted on my family and I giving her Wii Fit for her birthday.

Ash: Professor Oak, how's your Bulbasaur?
Prof. Oak: Oh, it only hurts when I sit.
Prof. Oak: It's only Chansey if Krabby won't let go. Bye, now.
Ash: I don't think I'm going to call him anymore.

My Nintendo: Katara


i think it deserves a 9!

PSN ID: brucethemoose904
3DS FC: 3566-2025-1426
My Music:
Previously known as: BB_Thrilla


I'd give it a 9 the only problem I have is how laggy the online matches are.

Overturn FC is 0818-2352-0377 Username is Onldhes.


Pretty good. I tried an online match and it was lagless (for me anyway). Combat is simple, there's a decent amount of customization, and you actually do need strategy and skill to play effectively. Overall it's a great game, especially for the price. The Survival Challenge helps to add more replay to it (which is good, because I got through the 'story' in about an hour). I would have to suggest to anyone that is on the fence to get this game, especially if you plan to play online or have friends that can play with you frequently. I'd compare it to Armored Core without the Melee weapons and a little less depth.



I'd def give it a solid 9! It's a bit hard to aim at first, but eventually it'll be easy for you. I'm still beating all the story mode sequences, and I've done a few matches online, it's great! My highest reccomendation



I found the Balance Board worked pretty well, but standing and leaning got tiring for me as well (also annoying having to sync up my Balance Board to the other Wii and then not understanding the game was asking me to get off the thing to calibrate it for 20min!).

Shame I cannot play anyone!

BLOG, mail: [email protected]
Nintendo ID: sean.aaron


That Devil mode is p*ssing me off!

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


I haven't seen a negative comment yet! I think I'll get this, Three Musketeers, and Super Mario Bros with my next points card.



Well, it's true! There's very little to complain about in the game, really, especially thanks to online play.


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