
Topic: NES Kung Fu

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the original arcade title was calked kung fu master.
the nes version plays pretty much exactly the same as the arcade version, albeit, graphicly inferior. and without the word master in the title.
either way, the game is pretty good fun, considering the basic gameplay.

[Edited by Dizzy_Boy]




I loved this one way back when. I'd DL this in a heartbeat.

[Edited by Roebuck]

Wii = 4691-1000-9564-5547


I played the arcade version of Kung Fu on MAME32 years ago.
I think I could only get as far as the fourth stage in the NES outing.

To each their own


I would purchase the NES version of Kung Fu immediately!! I've been hoping for this to come to VC ever since the service started. I still play it every once in a while, and I'd love to have it on my wii menu.



I absolutely love this game. I have so many fond memories of rapid fire kicks that I haven't been able to find since! I mean seriously the control in this game is tight. The way a true Kung-Fu master could just like kick forever and take out reams of enemies coming from all angles was wicked. The bosses were challenging. The bees were frustrating. Ever had a clay pot erupt on your head? Trust hurts. Please please please let this game come out.



I remember this being one of the first games on the NES that we really attacked (played like hell in efforts to "beat the game"). Of course, the after the 5th stage, they repeat albeit harder. I think i've gotten through to midway through the 3rd wave (finishing Floor 5 twice), but it's been a while since i've really played it more than a quick pick-up game.

EDIT: Just remembered how we used to sometimes play doing a "punch challenge" -- that is, using only punch attacks, no kicks (the punch range is much more limited, especially with jump-punches). Made for a nice challenge.

[Edited by the_shpydar]

The Shpydarloggery
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