
Topic: Monitor with no sound

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I recently decided to start using my old Wii and Wii board again. Since I do not own a TV I purchased an HP monitor. Stupidly I assumed all monitors would come with sound, alas this one did not. I am in my 40's and am not that tech-savvy so I google anything I need to know. I still cannot find an appropriate answer to my dilemma. I first brought a little white adaptor that was meant to convert the Wii to HDMI but the frequency did not work. I upgraded to a mini AV2HDMI that allows my monitor to play WII but no audio. I had a spare lead that allows me to plug the white and red leads into an audio output, but when I plug them into my Bluetooth speaker no sound comes out. Are there specific speakers I have to buy or a particular lead I have to buy? While it is great to be playing WII again the sound is handy for when I am doing the exercises on the board.



@JLB Yeah, not all monitors have speakers, and there's no flashing neon sign to warn you when shopping for monitors. I didn't realize it myself until recent years because, my brother has always sourced the parts to build the PCs in my family. Anyway, sorry, if that's what happened. If you just bought that new, I'd try to return it. Most every store would agree not-having-speakers is serious problem, if you need speakers.

edit: If you want GOOD sound, you may want to do your best to find a monitor with the best quality sound. Some monitors & TVs have the most basic minimal-quality speakers possible.

edit edit: looks like Eel below has another option.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

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Amazon has Wii HDMI adapters that come with a separate sound output for cases like this. It might be worth your while looking for one.

Edit: I see you already have something like that…

When I bought mine to use with a monitor, the first time the screen was all black and didn’t detect the Wii, but once I went to a different TV and changed the output settings on the Wii, it worked just fine on the monitor.

So that could be a solution, find a regular TV, or use your other adapter, just to change the Wii’s settings. Then try again with the smaller white adapter.

[Edited by Eel]


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Thank you both for answering. I am already using the monitor so I won't return it. I had a real cheap projector and changed the settings on the Wii but the last setting was greyed out and I couldn't change it to that, so that's why the little white adaptor wouldn't work. I was just wondering if anyone had bought a specific item rather than someone inexperienced as myself buying different adaptors/speakers hoping they were the right ones.



Thank you Eel I have the similar one to that which wouldn't read on my monitor. I now have RCA AV Composite Converter Adapter to HDMI - PS2, Sky Box, Projector, CCTV which works. Im just wondering if I bought speakers that plugged into the USB port at the back of the Nintendo would that work, do you know?



Yes it was dmcc0. Im off work today and have been googling the ***** out of this lol. Was messing with a few cables and realised my new monitor will not even let me split 2 HDMI cables. They really should warn older users like myself, that aren't tech savvy, that the newer technology gets the less it can do 😂
I was going to purchase an audio extractor but because the monitor won't show Wii if I put 2 hdmis into it, I'm not sure that is going to work. As I said before no sound on a lot of the games i don't mind, but when I'm doing the yoga on the board I need the sound as I can't see if I'm doing it well or not. Thank you for taking the time to answer my dilemma. 😊

[Edited by JLB]



@JLB Hopefully you've managed to sort it now, but only just saw this.
I don't see why the RCA cables/adaptor wouldn't work TBH unless the the BT speaker jack is only an output for headphones rather than an input, but I would've thought that was pretty unlikely.

Not sure what you mean about splitting the 2 HDMI cables - do you have more than one HDMI device plugging into the monitor now?

I've gone through a similar process when setting up my retro consoles so I know it can be a real pain to get right - my monitors also don't have speakers so I did look at how to get external sound for them. I actually ended up just picking up a cheap second hand TV in the end as it pretty much cost about the same as all the adapter/extractors etc. Still have the Dreamcast and PS2 going into an RCA Switch and through an RCA to HDMI converter to a 3 to 1 HDMI adaptor which also has a spare switch Dock attached and another HDMI for mini consoles or PS3. Wii did go directly to TV using Component connectors rather than RCA because I still had the cables from when the Wii was my main console, but I've recently 'upgraded' the TV. The replacement doesn't have Component connection so I've bought a Wii2HDMI converter to try so I can just go straight into the 3 to 1 HDMI adaptor hopefully, otherwise I'll have to see if I still have the original Wii RCA cable lying about somewhere.



Thank you for your response. I bought a hdmi splitter so that I could add a speaker but as soon as you plug in another hdmi lead the screen goes blank on the new monitor, like it did with the first adaptor I bought. I have ordered a different adaptor and if this doesn't work, like you said, I will purchase a TV with speakers. I only bought a monitor in the first place as I don't watch "normal" TV. Lesson learned to read all the small print when buying electronics lol.



@JLB What adaptor have you bought?

My Wii2HDMI turned up yesterday but I didn't have time to try it out. Will probably give it a go tonight and I'll try to hook it up to the monitor to see how that works - it has a separate audio out.
For just under £6 I'm not expecting much, but it's definitely going to look a bit tidier than going Component > Component to HDMI converter > HDMI > TV



That is the one I bought first and the HP monitor I bought would not recognise it, so I bought this
While it does show picture, and I have been using the Wii, no sound due to no speakers. In a couple of days, Lidl is going to be selling a monitor with speakers for €150, so I am just going to admit defeat and buy it. I might be able to sell the monitor, as I only got it last month, and get some money back.



@JLB Yeah, that AV2HDMI adaptor is similar to the one I use for PS2/Dreamcast - I have a similar one for the Wii component cables too, but thought I'd try the Wii2HDMI and compare given how cheap it is.
Unfortunate that you have to spend all that cash for something that should work with a cheap adaptor and some basic cables.



@JLB Just tried the Wii2HDMI adaptor and it worked straight away - tried it on my monitor as well and it worked fine - didn't have any speakers handy (without crawling around down the back of the PC) so just plugged headphones into the jack.

I actually think the picture is better from the component cable - the Wii2HDMI adaptor causes some weird wavey patterns on the settings menu for example - so I'm going to stick with the component cables for now even though it's a bit less convenient. Seems from the Amazon reviews at least, the quality seems to be a bit hit and miss for the Wii2HDMI adapter with quite a few reviews saying it didn't work at all, so possible you just got a faulty one first time around?



Ah blimey, that must have been it. Thank you for updating me and I'm glad yours worked for you. 😊


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