
Topic: metroid: other m thread

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poor metroid's getting buried under all the more recent game announcements, but it also had some new stuff to show at E3. the trailers keep getting better and better, and the new one is no exception: (note that the game is rated and apparently contains blood)

this is the first footage of the space station i've seen that actually looks _good; nintendo wasn't bluffing last year when they said the final product would look much better. the resident evil 4 cam at :50 is being put to good use, making it look like the game might get pretty frightening at times.
there's another bit where samus activates some sort of artificial jungle environment which seems to resemble the enclosed environments from fusion; i'm not too sure i want the entire game to take place on the space station, so i'm hoping not all the environments are contained within the ship. (they've already done that once) either way, looking more awesome than ever.

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174

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