
Topic: Majora's Mask VC Sound Problem?

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I was wondering if anyone else notices a slight sound problem in the VC release of "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask". At certain times, the music seems to "crackle". For example, when you're transitioning from one area of Clock Town to another, the background music will crackle a bit. (It's happened in other areas, but I first noticed it in Clock Town. And it only happens when you're transitioning from one area to another.)

(Please note: This is the Wii Virtual Console version that I'm talking about, not the Collector's Edition Disk.)

Has anyone else noticed this, or has anyone else had this problem? (Or other problems?) Please let me know.

Thanks! _


[Edited by Nintendophile]



looks like Nintendo just emulated the Gamecube Zelda Collecters disk version which had this problem.

Flandre Scarlet, she's cute, she's colorful, she can blow up entire cities, she's also a vampire. Start running sparklepants.


Yes, I've read quike a few reviews stating that the Collector's Edition Disk had sound issues. I never played that version, though, so I'm not sure if it's the same type of problem. - sigh -



This is normal for this version of the game. However, the Virtual Console version doesn't have the locking up issues that the collector's edition version had. I think the VC version is pretty well emulated otherwise.

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Thank you, Rapadash6. I was hoping it was something "normal", and not something wrong with my Wii. lol. And you're right, everything else about the game seems to run perfectly. I'm really enjoying it!

[Edited by Nintendophile]



There's no problem with sound, but the fire and light effects are pretty crappy. Not to bad, though.

[Edited by miletich3]


Miletich3, I guess you mean that YOU haven't noticed any problem with the sound, becasue I know what I'm hearing. lol.



Yeah I've heard it too. Mostly just in clock town, you get that crackle effect when entering a new section of the town. It helps if you don't use the bunny ears, but...the bunny ears are awesome. That's the only problem I've had with it, though, and it's only in Clock Town, so the game's still a 10 IMO.

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Quite true, Kid_A. I'm loving the game so far. This is the first chance I've gotten to play it. I missed it the first time around when it came out, and wasn't able to get my hands on a collector's edition disk. All in all I'm digging this game. 10 out of 10 for sure! Thanks for your help, it's comforting to know that this wasn't a problem only I was experiencing.


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