
Topic: IGN Reviews NSMBWii...

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And gives it an 8.9 (because it's just not good enough to get that extra tenth of a point). Basically they docked it for "being to safe". They didn't like the lack of online multiplayer and for some reason they felt that Nintendo should've included a feature that would allow players to record their speed runs (which seems like a ridiculous reason to take off points). They said it was an improvement over the DS game, but as I recall the DS game got a 9.7 from them. Sometimes I don't get IGN...

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Another issue is that the review called it 'the best 2D Mario ever', and the review score was 8.9

Those facts don't match up. If it is better than Mario Bros 3, and Mario World, then t's not an 8.9, it's somewhere in the mid 9.x

"I have no qualms with saying this is a far better game than the Nintendo DS version, and it could easily be the finest Super Mario Bros. 2D platformer Nintendo's ever created."

[Edited by Trin]



As IGN might say to your comment, you hold different games to different standards. Wii and DS are two different platforms. Also, what was great two years ago may not be as great today. Maybe even viewed as archaic. Yeah, it's stoopid, but I'm just speaking from a "journalistic" point of view, lol.

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An 8.9 is undoubtedly a great score, but I feel like since it's better than NSMBDS, it should get a better score. I'm also just heavily opposed to these tenth-of-a-point reviews.

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Ricardo91 wrote:

I link would be lovely.

Docking it points for not having online or speedrun recording. Yep, sounds like the typical IGN drivel-poop. Can't they just be happy that we finally got a co-op Mario game after 24 years?

We all knew the game would get docked points for no online whether we thought it was a valid complaint or not. From the sound of things I'm guessing Mark Bozon reviewed. He tends to have the obsession on what should have been in a game instead of truly enjoying it on it's own merits. It's funny how he does that in nearly every review, since I could just as easily ask him why don't he and his brother go bigger with their games (Wayfoward Technologies). Why not make a full 3D Shatae game with online co-op play and 16 player deathmatch. It wouldn't make sense but hey, I'm entitled to dock points because shantae doesn't include such things.

Facebook: bbworks club
Twitter: @bbworks_club
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Nintendo Network ID: BigBadBrowne


From IGN, 8.9 is a great score for a Nintendo game. Remember, they pretty much automatically deduct 3 points from any game if it's not PS3 or 360, another 3 if there's no online multiplayer. So the adjusted rating is actually 14.9! =P

The Shpydarloggery
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Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


How can online be good for this game? Like seriously, tell me.



brandonbwii wrote:

Ricardo91 wrote:

I link would be lovely.

Docking it points for not having online or speedrun recording. Yep, sounds like the typical IGN drivel-poop. Can't they just be happy that we finally got a co-op Mario game after 24 years?

We all knew the game would get docked points for no online whether we thought it was a valid complaint or not. From the sound of things I'm guessing Mark Bozon reviewed. He tends to have the obsession on what should have been in a game instead of truly enjoying it on it's own merits. It's funny how he does that in nearly every review, since I could just as easily ask him why don't he and his brother go bigger with their games (Wayfoward Technologies). Why not make a full 3D Shatae game with online co-op play and 16 player deathmatch. It wouldn't make sense but hey, I'm entitled to dock points because shantae doesn't include such things.

It was Craig, surprisingly. It's not like him to deduct points for a game not having something that doesn't make any sense. I mean downloadable characters in Punch-Out would've been great, but wouldn't it be a tad insane to deduct points because it doesn't have it? Of course it would. So why is it okay with NSMB?

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Mama+Luigi wrote:

How can online be good for this game? Like seriously, tell me.

Because you can't communicate with the other players, which is good since it's a cooperative game. Oh and there's lag, which makes things frantic and fun.

Seriously, I don't know. Not every game needs online. I wish people could accept that.

An online level creator THAT would be something...

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


It's getting awkward being the only one posting comments in here...but it's not going to stop me

I just read Gamespot's review. They gave it an 8.5 (in my experience a Gamespot 8.5 translates to a 9). But I swear some people just don't use their brains! They docked the game for not having classic controller support: think people! The game requires you to tilt the remote to control platforms and control lights--you can't do that with a classic controller. I swear...

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Yeah, the multi player online bit seems silly. How much co-op play can you do when not talking to the others. "hey, throw me on the ledge...oh wait, we don't all have wii speak, too bad." But I agree, level creator could be cool.



the+shpydar wrote:

From IGN, 8.9 is a great score for a Nintendo game. Remember, they pretty much automatically deduct 3 points from any game if it's not PS3 or 360, another 3 if there's no online multiplayer. So the adjusted rating is actually 14.9! =P

I think your thinking about Gamespot. IGN has its own separate reviewers for each system (Or company, can't remember which).

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


I do not need a review for this game (but I have been reading them) to know I am getting it.



needless to say igns review is irrelevant! we all know how great this would be, i dont think anyone is truly worried with no online, i prefer to have all my friends over to play multiplayer, 8 player games of bomberman were the best

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I didn't realize there was no online mode. Not that I was ever gonna use it, but I was still expecting it to be there. Oh well, no matter what the score, it'll always be a rent-only game for me. I'm just not much of a Mario fan, and playing a game that's harder than New Super Mario Bros. when I'm already struggling with said game doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

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They docked points for not having Speedrun Recording? Pffffft. Yeah, because all the other games have that.

Besides, people who are weird and anal enough to do speedruns that warrant recording already have their capture card and an account on some forgotten speed run archive that nobody ever watches (do you want to watch someone complete an RPG in 5 hours? It's only 1.5Gb to download ) until the one 20-second funny bit is uploaded to Youtube.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


If you're struggling with New Super Mario Bros. on DS then New Super Mario Bros. Wii is going to kick your ass. LOL.

Plain old gamer :)

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