
Topic: GoldenEye Discussion Thread (OMG OMG OMG)

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Not at all interested - loved the original, but hate Wii FPS controls - but this is a good thing simply for what it will do for the Wii's image. Goldeneye is a true classic.



If it's true, then... Nice! Lets hope Activision does a good job on it, 'cuz the graphics look just a step above N64.

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Swiket wrote:

It was one of the biggest innovations in the FPS genre, but at this point the mechanics are outdated and if it were to be remade it would just be a generic FPS with the 007 licence slapped on it.

The new online mode says otherwise. I'll be spending many hours on it!


Haha, wow, that trailer was much more exciting than the Halo Reach trailer. Im not interested though.



Hoax or not, if I cared about graphics, Wii would not be my console of choice. Looks good enough for me. Goldeneye was fun then with worse graphics, and it'll be fun now with slightly better graphics plus better controls and online. If it's real. Which I sincerely doubt. Nothing is "confirmed" until someone confirms it, but all we have is a supposedly leaked trailer with no author.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.



GoldenEye did set the standard of single and multiplayer gaming.

I can't believe that Daniel Craig is doing this game. It should be Brosnan.

Will they add on the original as an extra?

I miss having a chatroom that was always in beta.



As others said it seems to be relying on nostalgia and the graphics could be alot better but the gameplay could still be good,


I just noticed that I didn't comment on the actual trailer. >_<

In general, I'm not a graphics obsessed guy, so I'm cool with the look so far. And besides, Activision has time to clean the visuals up. The thing I'm worried about is that I feel the game just won't "Work" in today's world. Nonetheless, I'm still excited to see more.

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Don't mind the graphics. They suck, yeah, but if the game is as good as Golden Eye, then who cares? I hope everything still blows up

The best strategy in the game: go up stairs and pause balls.


Gameplay > Graphics

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D


The graphics are on the same level as Activision's other Wii shooters. Not sure why anyone would expect them to do any better all of a sudden.



if it's a hoax, it's pretty well done hoax.
and the graphics aren't as good as most other games, but it doesn't look so bad that it actually hurts to looka at them, and it seems to be moving along at a steady framerate, so i don't see any rerason to change it



I miss the good old days when gamers didn't judge a game by it's graphics.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D


I thought I was gonna get Rick Rolled



I loved Goldeneye on the N64 but this blatant cash-in has come 3 years too late for me.

Not interested.



Splat wrote:

I miss the good old days when gamers didn't judge a game by it's graphics.

When the graphics would barely be acceptable on the PS2 ( a system released a decade ago) you've got a problem. The graphics barely look better then Nightfire on Gamecube. It's like they aren't even trying. Usually, good games tend to have good graphics for the system they're on. Look at Mario Galaxy, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, No More Heroes 2, any of the Metroid Prime games, Monster Hunter Tri, etc. It shows a serious lack of effort. Goldeneye isn't very impressive when you go back to it and try playing it by yourself or with friends.

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Splat wrote:

Gameplay > Graphics

Gameplay is indeed > graphics. But I didn't see anything in that video that wasn't being done in the multiplayer component to Half-Life 1, however many years ago that was, and every shooter since. What's interesting about the content of that video apart from the word "GOLDENEYE" slapped over it? I can't see anything even potentially unique about the experience, and if there was anything unique, they can rightfully be faulted by not pointing it out in the trailer.

But whatever. We'll see. I'd love for it to be fun, but right now, it doesn't look like it can even stand far apart from The Conduit. And that's a pretty long way for Goldeneye to have fallen.




This shouldn't be a graphics slam guys. Stick to the topic of the game's possible release. Since, you know, it's not "confirmed" yet.


irken004 wrote:

This shouldn't be a graphics slam guys. Stick to the topic of the game's possible release. Since, you know, it's not "confirmed" yet.

We are at the topic at hand. We are talking about the trailer, and saying that, from first impression, that the game is a cash-in by Activision (it wouldn't be the first time.)
This game is a REMAKE. All they have to do is replace the graphics and make gameplay tweaks and add online. Considering Activision already has an online infastructure for the Wii, they online have to work on that for 2 months tops. Considering they've already made Call of Duty and a 007 game on it (an albeit sucky 007 game) there needs to be nearly no work whatsoever on the game in gameplay. That means the amount of time they've spent on this game was almost ENTIRELY ON GRAPHICS. I'm surprised all of you aren't totally offended.
November isn't very far away guys... Considering their press conference is tomorrow they'll show this, and any company would want to make sure that the latest version of the game's footage was shown in a trailer featuring footage of the game.

[Edited by moomoo]

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