@Toki if you hate the sound so much, then why not lower the volume when you're at that particular scene? (P.S. If you never have thought of that, then I'll have to laugh my a$$ off. Nothing personal.)
Thanks given to Xkhaoz for that one avatar. Please contact me before using my custom avatar!
A (Former) Reviewer for Digitally Downloaded.net
My Backloggery: http://backloggery.com/v8_ninja
@Toki You forgot the smiley. Try : P without the space. It definitely works.
Thanks given to Xkhaoz for that one avatar. Please contact me before using my custom avatar!
A (Former) Reviewer for Digitally Downloaded.net
My Backloggery: http://backloggery.com/v8_ninja
you hate a game because of a laugh? its like if i said i hate Halo because of master chiefs helmet, of i hate dogs cause they bark? thos are the small things that shouldn't detract from the game.
PSN ID: brucethemoose904 3DS FC: 3566-2025-1426 My Music: http://djm00se.bandcamp.com/ Previously known as: BB_Thrilla
you hate a game because of a laugh? its like if i said i hate Halo because of master chiefs helmet, of i hate dogs cause they bark? thos are the small things that shouldn't detract from the game.
I hate life because of the "e" after the "f". Is that bad?
you hate a game because of a laugh? its like if i said i hate Halo because of master chiefs helmet, of i hate dogs cause they bark? thos are the small things that shouldn't detract from the game.
Oh but they do! I'm like George Constanza.
@ V8 Ninja My avatar's smiling, so I figure I don't have to.
I don't hate the idea of having the game set up more like SMW, but honestly I prefer to be able to have many different choices of levels to chose from and to have a central hub.
Topic: galaxy 2 will use smb3/smw style world map
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