
Topic: Bonsai Barber or FFCC:mlaadl?

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I'll have 1000 WP ready to download something of wiiware. I'm doubting between Bonsai Barber or FFCC:mlaadl. I have FFCC:mlaak, Defend your castle and Lost winds.
Which do you think is better?

Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden (Vita), Persona (PSP), Disgaea 3 (Vita), Yumi's Odd Odyssey (3DS), Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS).
Recently finished: Pokémon X (3DS), Persona 3 Portable (PSP), Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS), Virtue's Last Reward (3DS).
FC: 0748-1618-4432


Wow, those are so radically different that it really doesn't make sense for me to choose (well, I also haven't played MLaaDL yet). I think you'd best ponder what kind of game you're looking for. Bonsai Barber is just something you can play for about a half hour or so each day (you can only tend to 5 customers a day), and is very charming and enjoyable, but isn't really anything like a standard video game--that's what I love about it, but the question is whether you're looking for a full game like FFCC or something a whole lot quirkier with limited play allowed per day.

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Wii FC: 8378 9716 1696 8633 || "How can mushrooms give you extra life? Get the green ones." -


These two games are on opposite ends of the spectrum. You really can't go wrong with either one. I own and love both of them.

Warioswoods is right about BB. It is a light and relaxing game that enjoy for a short time each day. You will go back to this game over and over. It has loads of charm and is a lot of fun.

Darklord is a great strategy game that gets tough as nails towards the end. It takes a lot of patience and trial and error to conquer w/o the DLC. It is a deep and engaging game that you will have trouble putting down.

I suggest reading the reviews and seeing what you feel like more. They are both great games but really hard to compare.

[insert 25 Cents here to play]


Get darklord, It actually has some meat on it.

my wii number: 8754-9981-5119-6538
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles number: 1290-4359-9435
PlayStationNetworkID: odd69


If you get Darklord, make sure you do not spend any WP on DLC (exept the stage collections).
The game gets very difficult, so most people buy some DLC to make the game easier.
Also, the DLC value is very bad if you compare it to MLAAK.



Pick Bonsai Barber, it is a great game and very addictive while MLaaDL gets repetive fast.

Layton Fan001
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Puzzle maniacs rejoice


invmat wrote:

If you get Darklord, make sure you do not spend any WP on DLC (exept the stage collections).
The game gets very difficult, so most people buy some DLC to make the game easier.
Also, the DLC value is very bad if you compare it to MLAAK.

When you start buying the ABSOLUTELY USELESS UNBEATABLE EXTRA MAPS you also have to download some dlc cheat monsters or dlc cheat floors in order to beat them!

Darklord is very addicting at first but gets repetitive fast, because all 60 levels are basically the same, even the backgrounds look all the same. It's mostly a boring variety of very limited attackers every time.

[Edited by SKTTR]

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


What's DLC ?

Wii Number: soon... :)
Now Playing: Wii Sports Resort, My Aquarium, Defend your Castle & Tales of Monkey Island Vol. 1
Wants: X-Com Ufo Defense and Fallout on WiiWare :)


I'd go with Darklord all the way. I bought Bonsai Barber and unless you have no clue what video games are about I'd stay well clear. Let's put it this way - I've played it for two days and already I'm bored with the total lack of challenge. If it had been 500 points then yes but quite frankly it's the biggest rip-off this year and that includes Dark Lord which you really don't have to buy loads of the DLC that SKTTR keeps harping on about. Part of Darklord's charm is trying to figure out what to do, not buying stuff until you can force your way through it.

[Edited by calculon]

First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.


invmat wrote:

The game gets very difficult, so most people buy some DLC to make the game easier.

Dunno, I found it hard until I got the type 2 mage monster that pretty much stops everything early on to let you build some money up. Melees go down of course, ranged can often be killed with the first volley (which you can get in before they attack by using the lightning rod) and mages won't really hurt them so you can just let them pass by into a mage trap set up behind them.

Either way it just does not compare to Plants vs Zombies, MLaaDL is a nice game but not nearly as great as PvZ.

Raincoat whore!


I haven't played bonsai barber but I loved Mlaadl If your looking for a deep game go for Mlaadl but I would say Bonsai barber is the more casual, fun, choice

"Sawnik Thee Edgehag"

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