
Topic: Best Mario Game of All Time?

Posts 1 to 20 of 118


Hello everyone, I was wondering what your favorite Mario game of all time is, from the original to Galaxy 2. Mine personally is 64, not only was it the transition into 3D, but it's just so fun with the big worlds you can explore.

Currently Playing:
Xbox 360: Arkham City, MW3, Gears 3, UMV3, Battlefield 3
PS3: inFAMOUS 2, LBP 2. Rachet & Clank: All 4 One, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3
Xperia Play: Crash Bandicoot
iOS: Sonic CD, Infinity Blade, Arkham City Lockdown, Mega Man X, Chrono Trigger


Super Mario Bros. 3 because it definitely had the best suits and I love the Koopa Kids.

[Edited by SherlockHolmes]

Squadala! We're off!
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Let me stop you right there.
Mario is Missing is the best Mario game ever made!

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

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Super Mario World. Anyone who says otherwise is LYING and deserves to be thrown into a pit of fire...made up of Sonic The Hedgehog games.

EDIT: Also, I feel like this thread has been done before...

[Edited by V8_Ninja]

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Hmm, 3 is a great game, but personally I think World is better. Don't get me wrong, they're both great games.

Currently Playing:
Xbox 360: Arkham City, MW3, Gears 3, UMV3, Battlefield 3
PS3: inFAMOUS 2, LBP 2. Rachet & Clank: All 4 One, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3
Xperia Play: Crash Bandicoot
iOS: Sonic CD, Infinity Blade, Arkham City Lockdown, Mega Man X, Chrono Trigger


I'm going with Galaxy 2. I had the most fun with that game and it's really polished and offers a lot of content. loved every minute of it.

Looking forward to: No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again

3DS Friend Code: 3007-8070-6318 | Nintendo Network ID: 19Robb92


Super Mario Bros. 3. Next question.



Of the 3D ones, I would say SMGalaxy 2, whereas of the 2D ones I would like to say Super Mario World but I am kind of changing my preference into New Super Mario Wii, just because of the multiplayer.



2D games:
If you simply mean the best overall, I'd have to say New Super Mario Bros. Wii. If we are referring to the best one that added the most new elements to the series, I'd say super Mario World.
3D games:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 hands down.

This is a signature.


Well, since they're my favorites, a tie between Yoshi's Island and Sunshine.


Are we talking just main series entries? Because it would be Galaxy 2 for me without a doubt. If we're talking about ALL Mario games.....I don't know....Galaxy 2 was a masterpiece but I think I would have to give it to Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door! Galaxy 2 is an extremely close second though

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Super Mario World, of course!

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Games that i love: Zelda, MH, Golden Sun, Fire emblem
PSN ID: Dynetheous tell me if you want to add me:)
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The first Galaxy.

"Where are all the Sour Patch Parents?"

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