
Topic: Anyone go from component back to composite

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Spent the coin to get the official nintendo brand component cable....yes it looks brighter, colors more vivid and generally a clearer picture...but dang that component cable makes the jaggies look 10x worse. I can't stand the jaggies....with the composite IMO the games actually look better.....especially VC's crazy how much difference it makes to Star Fox 64 for example......with the composite the jaggies are not there or are barely noticeable...with the component it's pretty bad.

So it's a trade-off....I went back to the composite cable and I'm keeping the component cable just to have the nintendo part for my wii collection....Super Metroid looks right again.

[Edited by jkrguitar]

The truck have started to move!


jkrguitar wrote:

it's crazy how much difference it makes to Star Fox 64 for example......with the composite the jaggies are not there or are barely noticeable.

the jaggies are definitely still there, just blurred into oblivion. the component cable can't be blamed for them, it's just showing you what the wii's output really looks like, which makes you understand why people like upscaling with the dolphin so much. you might prefer the softer picture from composite, but the fact that it's blurring out so many details that were obvious before should tell you how bad a connection it is in comparison; along with the jaggies you're losing details you actually want to see.

some hdtv's will also make jaggies worse depending on how well they display 480i/p. if you are using 480p you can turn it down to 480i to get rid of some jaggies while still keeping a much better picture than you'd get from composite. otherwise try taking the sharpness down; you can blur it enough to look similar to composite while still keeping the better colors and lack of jitters.

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