[I hope this isn't an existing topic] What will be the main reason you buy a U? Will it be the tablet, HD, the promise of third party games, or something else? (please don't post a response if you know you're not going to get one.) For me, I'm in love with tablets and can't wait to uses it, plus FINALLY having HD graphics on a Nintendo console.
Charter Member of SonyLife.
Nintendo and Sony for the win, Microsoft ehh.
Psalm 51.
★ Its Nintendo's next console. ★ HD ★ Touch screen ★ HD ★ Launching with online shop ★ HD ★ New games ★ HD I think you know the main reason
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This. So far the Wii U's lineup of upcoming games isn't that interesting but there'll probably be a lot of Wii U announcements at e3 so there is a possibility that I'll decide to get it near launch.
Digitaloggery 3DS FC: Otaku1 WiiU: 013017970991 Nintendo of Japan niconico community is full of kawaii! Must finish my backlagg or at least get close this year W...
The software lineup. I bought my Wii around launch and it essentially was a dust collector for about a year. The Wii U is at least getting a year into the lifespan before I even consider buying it.
HD Nintendo console. Finally. I tried hooking the Wii up to our HD TV and it looked horrible (IMHO). So it's been connected to a CRT TV in a bedroom for years where it looks fine. It'll be nice to have a console in the living room at last.
If rumors are true that Sony and Microsoft's next consoles will have to be connected to the internet all the time and have no used games.
"Sometimes isolation is a good thing, Razputin. It can lead to many important discoveries."--Sasha Nein, Psychonauts3DS FC: 2578-3212-7404Popy's Backloggery!
Ace Combat, Metroid, Smash Bros., Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Contra, and a new Retro Studios game. Could care less about Nintendo Network unless Nintendo really amps up the functionality.
Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill
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Topic: What will be the "selling point" for you?
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