
Topic: Scribblenauts Unlimited or Pikmin 3 for 10 years old?

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I want to get one of this as a xmas present for a 10 y/o girl and since I haven't played any of them I'd like to know what you think.

Or if you have any other recommendation that a) is not one of the big titles (Mario Kart, Mario World...) and b) has local multiplayer.



Out of personal experience, my 10 year old sister can't really cope with Pikmin for some reason, I wouldn't say that it is overly difficult but she finds the aspect of losing Pikmin too much. Obviously my sister isn't the same as every other 10 year so I can't speak for yours. So in this circumstance I'd say Scribblenauts or any of the co-op Lego games. Rayman legends isn't exactly that difficult or punishing either



Scribblenauts Unlimited is probably the better choice, Pikmin is the better game but if the kids isn't use to these types of games they will end up losing intrest in it very quickly.

As said above the Lego games (Batman 3, Marvel & Undercover) are good also Nintendo Land, Wii Sports Club, Sonic Racing are worth a look.

And DON'T even think of getting this!

[Edited by jump]

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

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arronishere wrote:

And DON'T even think of getting this!

Hahaha! Hell no! :X

Thanks to both! So it seems Scribblenauts over Pikmin. Oh, forgot about the Lego games! I have them on the 3DS, maybe that's an option. Rayman is out as platforming is not her biggest thing and she prefers any Mario anyway. More so if she can play as Peach!

I also forgot to say that the game she plays the more is... Fantasy Life. On 3DS of course.



Scribblenauts. Pikmin is a great game worth trying, but if multitasking isn't a natural skill, it can become frustrating and stressful as you progress (or, perhaps, fail to progress).

“I am a brother to dragons and a companion to owls." Job:30:29


My daughter started playing Pikmin 3 when she was 10 (she's 11 now) and we have also played countless hours of Bingo Battle and co-op in Pikmin 3. However, I also understand the topic of loosing pikmins that @Datasun_7 refers to.



Pikmin. I played a little of the first Scribblenauts and it was basically type Jetpack to win. I don't know how the mechanics have changed over the years. Pikmin's price probably isn't going to change where Scribblenauts will continue to just get cheaper.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


I'm going with MK8 and Scribblenauts for my 10 year old niece this Xmas. I picked up scribble from Amazon for $10 a week or so ago. I'll be bringing my Wii u to my parents for the holidays so hopefully I can see what she thinks of Pikmin.

If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.


I bought Pikmin 2 for my little brother when he was about 9 or 10 or so and he loved it. I bought Pikmin 3 for his birthday last year and he says that it's his favourite Wii U game to date. It's not for everyone though, and I would imagine that Nintendo's many other first party titles would be far more appealing to children than the likes of Pikmin. I'm 25 and Pikmin doesn't appeal to me at all though I love many other "kid friendly" games.

[Edited by SillyG]

Porygon did nothing wrong.
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arojilla wrote:

Oh, forgot about the Lego games! I have them on the 3DS, maybe that's an option.

Just so you know, LEGO City Undercover doesn't have local co-op (one of the few LEGO games that doesn't). Still a fantastic game though. There's also Rayman Legends which she'd probably like.

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


Scribblenauts Unlimited. There's also a DC Universe Scriblenauts and the game you can play as Peach is Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros, but Super Smash Bros. is a fighting game, soooo... probably not Smash Bros.



Beats me, I was playing anything from Goldeneye to Breath of Fire 3 to Final Fantasy Tactics when I was around 10 years old. Not exactly kid friendly material, but those were the kinds of things I was into back then. Not that I didn't like things like Mario Golf/Tennis and Pokemon, though...

When my sister was 10, she mostly would only play either Mario titles or Pokemon. I don't know about the tastes of the girl in question, so that's an important element to keep in mind. If I had to choose between Pikmin 3 and Scribblenauts, I would go with Pikmin. It's a series more likely to create a lasting impression upon a young mind, in any case. Then again, my idea of a lasting impression at a young age is achieved with games like Earthbound and Illusion of Gaia...

[Edited by PlywoodStick]


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