1jacobryanhughesFri 20th May 2016 Is there any possible way Nintendo can release updates without ruining all previous replays? The updates hurt every day users if they choose to update or not. [Edited Fri 20th May 2016 by Joeynator3000] jacobryanhughes
2DefHalanFri 20th May 2016 I have no idea what you are talking about People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility. I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...
3Joeynator3000 Fri 20th May 2016 Thankfully I know what he's talking about, and... ...We have a thread for Smash... https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/wii-u/super_smash_bros_caf... ...and, the 3DS version. https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/3ds/super_smash_bros_3ds_r... [Edited Fri 20th May 2016 by Joeynator3000] My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzirEG5duST1bEJi0-9kUORu5SRfvuTLr Discord server: https://discord.gg/fGUnxcK Keep it PG-13-ish. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Joeynator3000
Topic: Replays Forever
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