
Topic: Pro controller rumble issues question.

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So, I just got the Wii U Pro controller, I love how it looks and feels. Really pleased with the button distribution and performance after trying it, but I found the rumble subtle and the left handle shaking stronger than the right one. Did I get a faulty one or its normal?

[Edited by tripunktoj]


My Nintendo: tripunktoj


Maybe it depends on the game? To be honest I've never even noticed the pro controller rumbling...ever. I guess it's a pretty weak rumble (which is a good thing I guess)
I'll pay attention next time I use it and let you know!

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.



You have to set the rumble feature on from the Home menu/controller settings, I'm not sure but I think its set to off from factory. I noticed this rumble issues when exploring the Wii U main menu, the home menu and other preloaded apps with this controller.

I'd really appreciate your reply next time you use your controller (remember to set the rumble on from the home menu), thanks.

[Edited by tripunktoj]


My Nintendo: tripunktoj


I used it today and it seemed to have an equal amount of rumble on both sides. One motor didn't seem to be rumbling more than the other.

Although I do have one PS3 controller that does the same thing, where one side is a little bit stronger than the other. I guess it's just subtle manufacturing flaws?

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.



Thanks for your reply, I really hope its due to low battery or something, mine is not faulty. I'll try posting it in the Pro controller discussion topic I just found and see if I get more answers there. I don't know much about this, but I think the controller in this video has the rumble motor (only one) on the same handle I feel it stronger, it could be the reason behind it... or it could be part of the modifications the user made to it. I just got it, it came with 2/4 battery bars, so could it be fixed after the first charge?

[Edited by tripunktoj]


My Nintendo: tripunktoj


I can't get any rumble when playing my Wii u with the pro controller. I have Nintendo Land, Super Mario 3D world, and Mario Kart 8 as well as super smash bros wii u. none of these games seem to cause the controller to rumble. its very confusing. I wish in the settings there was a way to test the rumble motor. press the A button on the controller while in this section of the settings and the controller would rumble. I had the N64 rumble pak, i have gamecube controllers, I have dual shock 2 and 3, I have xbox 360 controllers. I get rumble from my Wii Remotes and my Wii U gamepad. I wonder if my controller motor is faulty


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