This is releasing in NA tomorrow! I'll download it for sure, though I'm not so sure I'll like it, but for free, I'll definitely give it a spin and will hopefully be pleasantly surprised.
I downloaded the open beta and completed the tutorial.Now I'm stuck in the menu room and can't do anything.On the top right there's the message "Currently playing off-line" even tought I'm connected to the internet(i'm typing this from Wii U's browser).
Well I'm level 14, and I'm having a good amount of fun with the game. The microtransactions are nonexistant at this point which is nice, my only real gripe is the sense of lack of progression.
Hopefully when the full game launches there will be far more variety.
Couldn't join a room at first, kept denying me. Finally joined one.
Couldn't figure out how to leave the lobby though. No clear "Exit to Menu" option I could find at the terminal
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
I am level 12 and always made my own room due to problems listed above. I've always went to terminal clicked disband group then used home button. As home button doesn't work if your in online mode. N ID is same as my user ID here.
Well I didn't want to post this on this thread as it's....ridiculously long, but my thread was closed so here goes ahahahah...:
The game is finally in open beta in the west (though Japan has had it for a while huh?), and so I just wanted to share some of my thoughts about the game. They're mostly grievances, though the game is still relatively fun in a way.
First thing's first, I find it weird that even with the Japanese beta, it doesn't seem like they fixed any issues since then. If I'm wrong feel free to post about it.
Second I'll list issues that they can surely fix and actually need to for the game to seem less...beta-ey when it releases. It's not a long at all:
*- Lag. Every MMORPG and MMO-type game has lag even after release and it's not entirely awful here. Still, it needs to mostly fixed. At least get rid of stutter and lag that comes from attacking and killing enemies.
Forced tutorial. This one is VERY annoying. I know it's there to help players who aren't experienced in this type of game, but to force it for EVERY CHARACTER gets tiring. The gameplay differences between characters isn't even all that big, and I assume the tutorial is the exact same for them all (I only played two characters). At the very least they need to add a skip button. Unless there's already one and I'm not seeing it.
Next is a list of things I'm sure they can fix with an update if they actually wanted to. This list is longer:
Forced Gamepad usage. Why can't I use another controller? The only thing the Gamepad is used here for is screen mirroring and the chat blurbs. The chat blurbs could be mapped to the Down button or the Minus/Select button as those seems to be unused. Well actually the Minus button pulls up recent chats and events, but that can still work when pulling up the chat blurbs.
*- Combat is a little clunky. People love to call MH's combat clunky, but this deserves the description a little more. Combat doesn't really flow here and feels rather stiff.
*- Camera. Speaking of stiff, the camera feels pretty stiff as well. It's usable once the settings have been played with, but I wish the camera movements were smoother. Also, they need to add camera settings for the TPS mode as well. Currently, aiming can be a pain due to stiff, slow camera movement.
*- UI. Leaving a room was a mystery to me until I checked the Mission Select option in the Terminal. Why is room leaving in the Mission Select? Actually why isn't the Start button usable in the lobby? It'd be far easier and less confusing for people to be able to leave a room or access settings by simply using the Start button instead of only using the Terminal. I know someone's going to harp on me about complaining about this, but come on this is just bad design. Also, researching the weapons. This is a very minor complaint and I'm sure I'm the only one who cares, but why does the circular meter thing have to do that rising and dropping animation when it would've been far more efficient just having the meter quickly rise the actual amount? They even have an animation with it looking like the research meter is going overdrive and reaching 99% and 100%, only to drop back down to the actual amount (afaik the meter only goes up by 2 points per standard research point). Again this is VERY minor as you can just skip it with the A button, but what's the point in wasting time and resources into this? Again again, minor, but it kinda irks me that something as pointless as a long meter animation exists when there's still a lot of elements in the game that needs more polishing.
Finally the one thing that I'm sure they can "fix" with an update, but likely will never happen unless they make enough profit and feel like doing it way later on (and honestly I'm not too upset if they don't):
Graphics. By today's standards, yeah it's really dated. HOWEVER, by WII U standards the game looks pretty alright. I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but honestly I feel it doesn't look all that worse than Xenoblade X (heralded as Wii U's best looking game for some reason) in certain ways. Yeah XCX beats it with draw distance, material shader quality, and artistic design (in terms of organic environment and monster designs). Honestly I feel the first and third reasons are really the only reason why people are wowed by the game's graphics. But in terms character model quality, texture quality, and even the lighting, Lost Reavers isn't all that worse. If they can fix the faces on the characters to make them look more like their official art instead of ugly wax dolls, the game would look better. And only really I mention lighting is because both games look....really washed out. Like....really, REALLY washed out. Plenty of PC MMORPGs have seen minor (or major depending on the game) graphics upgrades later in their lives so if later on they find it possible to do with what money they make off this game, I hope they do it. Mostly just to make the game more attractive for future gamers. That is...if the game will even last that long.
Other than that, the game looks mostly fine. Well, it'd help if they used better material shaders on everything, though I understand if that would be too much to have that while keeping the framerate at a playable state considering this is just a low budget (presumably) Free-to-Play.
Gameplay is fun enough and I like how they have melee and ranged weapons usable at the same time without having to switch between them. Stages are...rather short though, but I assume it's so the game can be played in short bursts. They should add more stage variation and have some more randomized elements to prevent the game from becoming stale way too quickly.
If Nintendo releases a new handheld and if it's at least as powerful as the Vita, it'd be nice if they can get Bamco to release a port at launch with cross-play so EVERYONE with Internet access will have a decently fun game to play as soon as they get their system.
Played it for about an hour last night. The online experience was smooth for me — found teammates easily, and didn't experience any noticeable lag.
The game itself has is sort of middle of the road. Right off the bat, the "game feel" is just no good — I played with Dwayne (the gun guy) and tried both first- and third-person angles, and it just felt clunky and unresponsive. Why no quick turn button? Why are aiming and running so frustratingly slow? Why is the quick target feature absolutely useless when using guns (in fact, detrimental — I just spray bullets in the general vicinity of the enemy without hitting anything)? This game would be a fun little romp if these easily fixable fundamentals were addressed from the outset.
It's also bizarre to me that you're limited to four characters, and can have a bunch of the same character in your party. Wouldn't this game have been better suited to custom characters?
On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised by the looting, crafting and leveling up elements. Those looked pretty engaging. However, does anybody understand how the laboratory decryption works? @Pahvi, you seemed to have had some luck — any ideas on how that thing actually functions? I found that one pretty obtuse, and judging by Miiverse, I'm not alone.
Negative as all that sounds, the game was interesting enough for me to pop into again sometime — I gave Mr. Splatterhouse Vorhees a try in training before I quit last night, and melee combat seemed more responsive than the ranged action. If the in-app purchases of the final release aren't obnoxious, I could see this being a nice, casual game for the occasional bit of off-TV play.
I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but honestly I feel it doesn't look all that worse than Xenoblade X (heralded as Wii U's best looking game for some reason) in certain ways.
I just want you to know that you are a crazy person.
Wait, people think Lost Reavers looks good? I'm not even obsessed with graphics in a game at all and yet I know the Lost Reavers looks like a GameCube game with HD graphics (I don't even know... I played it on the GamePad). Everything from the enemies to the textures to the running animation is just off-looking. I find it hard to believe people think the Lost Reavers looks very good. Did someone even compare it to XCX? Are you freakin' kidding me? What?!
Anyway, here are my thoughts (note that these are opinions about the beta and are liable to change in the final game). In general, It's slightly better than a "meh." I'm really interested in this game because I like the idea of getting loot and exploring temples/other locales. I even like the fact that my teammates and I have to get the relic back to the transporter in one piece. Solid gameplay there.... now only if it was executed just right. Every mission just feels extremely shallow. It's just go straight, defeat the enemies with a not-very-satisfying combat system, hold A, go through three (THREE!) sections and go backwards. Really? Is that all? I sure hope not. Where are my hidden loot? Where are the secret pathways? Why are the enemies dead things (the spider enemy was cool)?
Then there's the Terminal menu which is very decent for the most part... but I don't understand how to decipher the code in the laboratory. I'm trying to make sense of it and all I'm gathering is that you just tap A many times. Really? I think more could have been done here. In some way.
Thankfully it's just a beta. The missions should feel much more robust in the final mission. At least so had enough fun to spend more than an hour going on (the same) missions (many times). Even the music is good, especially the music that plays when you have to return the relic in the temple to the transporter. I'm just barely satisfied.
Topic: Lost Reavers
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