If you like racing games and don't have NFS, stop what you're doing and get it now.
It uses the Gamepad to turn on, and off traffic, change the time of day, and other cool things. You can even turn on motion control if you like. It's got the best integration of Miiverse I've seen yet, also. An online mode, and the PC high end textures...
Its used pretty decently in some of the games I've played.
I bought Monster Hunter for my Wii U and 3DS and completely ignore my 3DS version since the game is just so much better with the gamepad's features and dual analogs. Pikmin 3 and Rayman Legends use it well too. I felt like it was forced in Mario 3D World and TW101(the level designs, not drawing for the latter) though. Levels and game play that implemented it felt like a chore instead of adding to the game.
I get the feeling that devs don't care about its abilities and features though. Quite a few Wii U games I've played really didn't try to take a creative approach with the controller and just allow you to play off-screen. I also think I'd enjoy the gamepad more when playing multiplayer if Nintendo actually allowed you to use 2 at the same time.
If anything, it's just incredibly handy. Sometimes I wonder how any of us ever got by without it.
It's not nearly has heavy as some people make it out to be. It does take a bit of time to adjust to, but once you do, you enjoy it. If you can, try to get your hands on the gamepad at one of those demo stations at gamestop or walmart or whatever. It'll give you an idea of what it's like. I didn't think it was going to be as comfortable as it was. But it sits nicely in your hands.
Its great. I use it all the time as my missis domnates the tv watching x factor and got talent. Quality time together on the couch
If i had another console i would be getting bugger all game time in - apparantly you have to spend time in the same room as your wife and she wont allow two tvs.
To clarify - I use it all the time for off tv play
ZombiU, Nintendo Land, and Rayman Legends especially have awesome use of the gamepad but I'm mixed on the less cool stuff. Like I love having a map without having to pause the game, like I remember how awesome it was when Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow had that. Say what you will about Nintendo's control gimmicks, but DS was brilliant. But otherwise I can usually sum this up as "well that feature is cool but..."
And speaking of the map, Pikmin 3's map is awesome because I can use it while still using the superior Wii-mote control scheme and it's genuinely really helpful at points, while ACIV's is the worst type of game map you could use for a smaller screen, thus making pausing my preferred option (either that or I'm so used to Assassin's Creed that I just do it automatically).
also i'll appreciate the Gamepad for typing on Miiverse forever after typing stuff in Animal Crossing: New Leaf on 3DS.
Game Pad is brilliant. Best uses were Zombi U, Arkham City: AE and Mass Effect 3: SE. All had maps but all used them interactively and seamlessly. They were essential to the game play.
i dont own a wii u, never seen one except in boxes. im now interested in the wii u because of the mario kart and super smash bros.
how do games currently use the gamepad? do they use the gamepad well or for mundane things like menus and maps? im more a fan of that assymetric gaming i remember hearing about when it was new; maybe something like one player using the gamrpad to manipulate the stages in smash bros would be fun. or unique stuff like the wiimote in okami
It all depends on the game really. First, let me just say that I LOVE the gamepad. It's superb. The reasons for that vary from game to game, but almost always it brings something extra to the table.
For example, ZombiU uses the gamepad as a scanner of sorts. You lift it up and "scan" the TV for things. Pikmin 3 uses it for multitasking, sending one character over here, another one over here, while you do something else, all the while being used as a helpful map, which can be touched and dragged around while a real time satellite view is shown on the TV. Very inventive. Wonderful 101 uses it for dual screen puzzles- you're controlling characters on one screen that's affecting objects in the second screen. Splinter Cell Blacklist uses it as a scanner and to mark targets, as well as first person control of the trirotor drone. Rayman Legends uses it for inventive multiplayer- one player uses a separate controller to advance on the TV, while the other player interacts with objects through the gamepad to help the other player make it through the course. VERY inventive use there.
Other examples include Zelda Windwaker HD, Darksiders 2 and Batman Arkham City, which use it for real time inventory management (sounds lame but is extremely practical) and map reference. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate uses it for just about everything- from a map, to signal shortcuts, to target cam to inventory, etc. And many games, for example like Call of Duty, Sonic Racing Transformed, Super Mario 3D World and Injustice, use it for asymmetrical gameplay. It's amazing to play with a friend and each of you have a full screen to work with. And with 3 players, one player uses the gamepad and the other 2 split the TV (which is MUCH better than dividing the TV into FOUR squares with one not used, which is how it's done on other consoles for 3 players). That's twice the on-screen real estate when playing with 2 or 3 players locally.
Still, even other games like Wii Sports Club Golf use the gamepad to display the golf ball and club for every shot (and this game is by far my favorite example of ingenious use of the second screen). That, combined with using a Wiimote to "swing" the golf club and hit the ball off the Gamepad screen and soar over the fairway on the TV screen, makes for one of the best games I've ever played. It's fantastic.
These are but a few of the examples of how the gamepad has been used thus far, and keep in mind the Wii U has only been out a year. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. With that said, many of the uses we've seen have merit, and I would like to see more games follow their lead.
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Topic: is the gamepad fun?
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