I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft do stop support, but I don't think a lack of Far Cry 4 confirms it. Wii U didn't get Far Cry 3 either. If they announce a 360/PS3 Assassins Creed at E3 at the Wii U gets neither that or the PS4/Xbone AC game, then I think it's confirmation. Until then there's hope.
I really liked FC3, but I'd be more excited for a Blood Dragon sequel.
It's a game for people who are ninety years old? LOL.
No thanks then.
I am so sad that Wii U is only getting Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule Warrios, SXFire Emblem.... games that I can already play on all the other consoles anyway
Topic: Far cry 4 is not coming to Wii u (among other games)
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