The WWE Network was just announced yesterday. A Netflix type service that also gives you access to all PPV for a cheap price. It was announced for pretty much everything BUT the WiiU.
Even though I have a PS3, I love the cleaner interface of the WiiU and having Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon all on one system. While I am not expecting anything to change I do hope it eventually comes to WiiU.
Any specific Apps other people want in there WiiU?
Kaykay, i repeat what i said some minutes before. Thanks for copy and paste, lord HAL.
The DS game Jam with the Band had a channel on the Wii that made you hear the sound on your TV / audio system.
Having a channel that could do that for all 3DS games would be quite amazing. Especially if it had its full surround sound.
A photo/video and music player app. It can be like the 3ds version but with some extra feature like more ways to toy around with your music, saving screenshots to an SD card, and the other feature they show off at E3 to name a few.
A dying animal struggles, thrashes and howls in protest as its life torn from it. To see this in action, watch Animal Planet. The same thing happens when a video game is or isn't released. To see this in action, stay here.
Switch Friend Code: Sw-6105-4873-7122 | My Nintendo: Ultraraichu
I would like to see a Facebook app,I'm tired of using the mobile version on internet browser. Also i would like to see a music app like Tunein. It would be nice to listen to music on the gamepad.
Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll Crunchyroll andddddddddddd Crunchyroll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ All I care about at least anything would be bonus
Formally Square-enixFan, Neo-GeoFan. A lover of fine games and handheld systems!!!!!!!!!! The New 3DS XL is amazing, soon the NX will be upon us! Backloggery Check my Youtube channel out!
Topic: Apps you want to see for the WiiU
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