
Topic: Your latest retro purchase

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I picked up (another) faulty PSP with about 20 games for a decent priced from eBay...and I actually got around to fixing this one! It was listed as having a faulty screen, but sound etc was working. I thought it was probably a relatively simple fix like the backlight fuse or something, but when I turned it on the screen looked like it was shattered with loads of cracks all over it - it looked perfect when it wasn't powered on though. Just replaced the screen with a donor from one of my other faulty PSPs and it works perfectly.



@dmcc0 Happy days 🥳 Each time I read your posts on this topic, there's a part of me that wants to join in, bigly. But there's another party of me that has a very many devices in very good condition already, so cannot justify the space or time, so please know that you have my full support.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit


@gcunit Thanks. It was nice to finally get something fixed, gives you a real buzz when something that previously wasn't working is brought back to life. Admittedly, this wasn't a particularly tricky fix - quite simple in fact, but I'll happily take the easy win this time. I've never had a PSP before, so I'm probably going to keep this one. The plan is not to buy anything more for now and concentrate on fixing the stuff I've already got, but I've said that before...

This all started out because I wanted to re-buy some of the stuff I'd regretted getting rid of when I was younger, was looking for a Mega Drive and noticed how inexpensive faulty ones were. After a bit of research, I figured it was something I could probably fix it myself.



Congratulations! Always a pleasure to hear, when someone gets something done.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611

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