In case you don't know. SEGA has had many dev teams that created great games for the MEGA DRIVE and Saturn (even Dreamcast).
Let us know your favourite AM Team here (SmileBit's included but not the tram that created Space Channel 5 due to being from many teams).
I'll help you decide:
AM1 Did Altered Beast and Golden Axe (although classed as Shinobi Team, they were considered the lesser known of the two). AM2 did Outrun and Virtual Fighter AM3 did many licensed games including Jurrasic Park AM4 is or was the Panzer Dragoon Team and I think a few members do the Super Monkey Ball Team AM5 does SEGA Rally AM6 (SmileBit I think) did or still does do Jet Set Radio and Yakuza AM7 is the Shinobi Team what I liked (Shinobi and Streets of Rage...with AM1 they are Overworks).
“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” - "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."
I would say AM 7 & 8 for sure. Sonic, Shinobi, and Streets of Rage are some of my favorite series made by Sega. By the way, where does the dev team that make the old Phantasy Star games fall into? Are they in one of these AM and just not mentioned or are they totally separate? I unfortunately don't know much about dev teams so I have no idea.
Ash: Professor Oak, how's your Bulbasaur?
Prof. Oak: Oh, it only hurts when I sit.
Prof. Oak: It's only Chansey if Krabby won't let go. Bye, now.
Ash: I don't think I'm going to call him anymore.
I would say AM 7 & 8 for sure. Sonic, Shinobi, and Streets of Rage are some of my favorite series made by Sega. By the way, where does the dev team that make the old Phantasy Star games fall into? Are they in one of these AM and just not mentioned or are they totally separate? I unfortunately don't know much about dev teams so I have no idea.
Shinobi Team I think started the original PS games but not sure if that is the AM1 team or AM7 (AM1 are known for Altered Beast and Golden Axe but are known as the "Shinobi Team" but AM7 are known for Shinobi and Streets of it could be one of them (more likely a collaborative effort), the online games are Sonic Team.
Funnily enough AM1 and 7 joined to create they are technically the full Shinobi team...and have created Sakura Wars, Skies of Arcadia AND Valkyria Chronicles...but they have created Phantasy Star I am unsure if Sonic Team created the online games alone now.
Anyways, many IPs are unknowned within SEGA...Alex Kidd, Fantasy Zone amongst the UGA team games.
Topic: Which SEGA AM fan are you?
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