
Topic: Desert Island GBA Wishlist

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Say you were marooned on a desert island. You only have a GBA/SP, and are some how able to keep it powered: what 10 games do you have?

I had/have a GBA SP and have started rebuilding my collection from that era. Especially rare and/or under-appreciated jems that aren't super pricey to come by. (LOL not paying $50 for Fire Emblem for example).



id choose games with replayability and/or length for obvious reasons
if only 10 id go with , advancewars 1and2, riviera the promised land, fire emblem sacred stones, mario golf, tactics ogre, dungeon dice monsters, final fantasy dawn of souls(for the two in 1 cart), final fantasy tactics, and yoshis island

id be happy as a clam =D

follow your heart <3


Final Fight One
Yoshis Island
Wario Land 4
Super Ghosts n Goblins
Steel Empire
Sonic Advance/2/3
Kuru kuru kururin
Metroid Fusion
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man and Bass
Mario Kart



The two Fire Emblem games can really only be bought for 20-25 bucks each (and they're high quality, so I still recommend it).
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Metroid Fusion
Zelda LTTP
Super Mario A2
Advance Wars
Pokemon Emerald/Fire Red
Fire Emblem
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Metroid: Zero Mission
Zelda: Minish Cap

Currently bored (while change when I stop being bored)


Metroid Zero Mission
Ninja Five-O
Warrio Ware (either one)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Zelda: Link to the Past
Boktai (since you're going to be in the sun anyways)
All Mario Advances
And then fill whatever is left with Castlevania games

Check out my new web comic 'Random Time Encounters':


8Darky wrote:

id choose games with replayability and/or length for obvious reasons
if only 10 id go with , advancewars 1and2, riviera the promised land, fire emblem sacred stones, mario golf, tactics ogre, dungeon dice monsters, final fantasy dawn of souls(for the two in 1 cart), final fantasy tactics, and yoshis island

id be happy as a clam =D

Yoshis Island has a lot of replayability? Just asking because looking to buy a few more longer games for the 3ds.

Gaming is the greatest.



I think...

Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon FireRed
The Legend of Zelda ALttP
Harvest Moon FoMT
Wario Ware Inc.
2 in 1: Sonic Advance + Sonic Pinball Party (it's a real sega-made cartridge!)
The Sims Bustin' Out
Yoshi's Island
Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls
Final Fantasy VI


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok


If I were going to a desert island, my list would look like this:

Activision Anthology - Atari games might be very simple, but many of them are still fun time-killers. I'm always up for a hand of Eucre.
Advance Wars - Tons of content in this game, and if you get bored it's got a level editor as well.
ChuChu Rocket - Great action/puzzle game, especially if multiplayer is an option. Includes tons of levels and a level editor.
Doom - (Or could take Doom II.) Sometimes, you just need to blow stuff up.
Final Fantasy IV, V, VI - For me, VI is the only "must have" but all are worth the relatively high price of admission.
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Not the longest quest, but has plenty of secrets and great replay value.
Metroid Zero Mission - Speed runs are fun. You can play this game through dozens of time without it losing any appeal.
Phantasy Star Collection - Three classic RPGs on one cartridge. The series isn't my favorite, and the first game is pretty rough, but this cart will keep you busy for a very long time. Especially without graph paper to make maps.

Some honorable mentions that would be welcome additions to any collection:

  • Castlevania games
  • Scurge:Hive
  • Ninja Five-O (good luck finding a copy!)
  • Tony Hawk games
  • Super Mario Advance series
  • Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
  • Drill Dozer
  • Super Monkey Ball
  • Capcom Classics Mini Mix
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  • Astro Boy Omega Factor
  • Gunstar Super Heroes
  • Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
  • Metroid Fusion

[Edited by ejamer]



@MayorPaine: @ejamer: Man, Ninja Five-O is worthy of a petition to get a release for the Virtual Console. I'd really love to play it, but I'm not crazy enough to spend $200 on that cartridge. Also, Konami has supported the VC pretty well thus far, so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't release such a popular game.



wikipedia wrote:

Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand

If we're marooned on a desert island, then a game based on the position of the sun feels too appropriate.

Having never played this one before I was actually hoping it would run off the sun like a calculator.
... would be ideal then, no?

[Edited by OptometristLime]

You are what you eat from your head to your feet.


Bubble Bobble Old & New
Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire
Donkey Kong Country
Manic Miner
Metroid (NES classic)
Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Zelda - Link to the Past / Four Swords Adventure
Mario Kart Super Circuit
F-Zero Maximum Velocity

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Nintendo Network ID: Mk2_NL 3DS Friend code


@Fuhgeddit: umm not really as far as alternate routes or endings, but its a fun game and i was trying to pick a good platformer to bring =D

follow your heart <3


It's worth mentioning that getting all the items to 100% each level and unlock the extra levels is actually rather challenging.

The game is quite hard in general.

And it comes with Mario Bros as an extra mini game.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok


Mk_II wrote:

Metroid (NES classic)

The original NES game is unlocked after you beat Metroid Zero Mission once, so it's really hard to recommend the NES Classic version over that (much improved) remake.

Mk_II wrote:

F-Zero Maximum Velocity

The AI cheats horribly.
It is still fast and can be fun. Just be warned that it's extremely tough later on and you should never expect a fair race.



BigBabyPeach wrote:

@MayorPaine: @ejamer: Man, Ninja Five-O is worthy of a petition to get a release for the Virtual Console. I'd really love to play it, but I'm not crazy enough to spend $200 on that cartridge. Also, Konami has supported the VC pretty well thus far, so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't release such a popular game.

I don't really like buying buying GBA games on a home console, but would make an exception for this title.
It's an excellent action game with really solid movement mechanics. A real shame it's so hard to get!



-Godot wrote:

The two Fire Emblem games can really only be bought for 20-25 bucks each (and they're high quality, so I still recommend it).
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Metroid Fusion
Zelda LTTP
Super Mario A2
Advance Wars
Pokemon Emerald/Fire Red
Fire Emblem
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Metroid: Zero Mission
Zelda: Minish Cap

Perfect list.

I love traveling light through Europe and run a blog about it at
Hardware: Wii U, New 3DS, Super Famicom & Super GameBoy, Game Boy Pocket



Thanks for all the suggestions! Opinions on which fire emblem is best? Is Advance Wars 2 better than 1? What are peoples thoughts on the mega man network series?

I think Riviera might be my next pickup.



Lol no, just figured it was a good way to frame the kinds of games im looking for.



@ethangach: So have you compiled your own must get list yet? What are your picks?

Check out my new web comic 'Random Time Encounters':

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