
Topic: PS5 Late Christmas 2019?

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Will PS5 be released in Christmas 2019? Somehow, I doubt that's true. There hasn't been any confimration about that or any news regarding that, so it's not really confirmed or true as of yet.

Switch Friend Code: SW-6488-5483-0698

Switch Friend Code: SW-6488-5483-0698


PS5 will likely have NO Backward with previous machines (Assume PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1).
Sony don't support that BC anymore.
Just forget it.
PS5 will likely Streaming & Digital by Mostly.
And with More Extreme Disgusting rated 18+ games ever.
PS5 is already DEAD in my eyes before even exist.
A machine that NOT designed to accept More Kid Friendly games.

And One more thing.
By the time on December 2019, Nintendo Switch will have at least 2 VERY STRONG games: Pokemon 2019 & Animal Crossing Switch. I'm very sure PS4 sales will be SMASHED very hard, to the ground. PS5 on December 2019 = Booooo !!! Even Worse machine.

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



@Anti-Matter Please don't tell me you're seriously shooting down the PS5 before there is any single piece of information about it? Don't reply with a long answer about how 18 rated games are the worst thing man has ever made - I know you don't like them, but without any revealed information, you don't know that there won't be games on it you like.



I see 2020 as more likely, same with the XB1 successor. But if Microsoft did announce the XB1 successor at XO18, I could see Sony announce the PS5 at an early 2019 event.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


About PS5 rumour, when i compared PS3 & PS4 whole library games, they have Almost Identical games library such as Tons of Football / Basketball / USA Football games, tons of Realistic Racing games, tons of Realistic Fishing / Hunting games, A lot of Boring JRPGs, A lot of Boring Western licence games, Very few Kiddie games like on Nintendo and the rest are just Tons of Disgusting rated 18+ games.

I was FALLEN into PS4 trap Twice from FF XII The Zodiac Age (First reason i did search about another PS4 games & found Portal Knights that slowly changed my mind) & The Sims 4 (Strong reason i have to buy PS4 with Dislike feeling). But, after Nintendo Direct on 14 Sep 2018, i completely jump from PS4 version to Switch version for FF XII, FF X/X-2 & World of Final Fantasy. My PS4 now become look even Useless with just ONLY 3 games left (The Sims 4, Portal Knights & Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD) compared with my Switch library games that added with More and More games easily (Now i have registered More than 50 Switch titles on my Shopping list).

I will NOT Fallen into Same Trap again on PS5. I believe there will NO such any game that can Hypnotized me as Strong as FF XII or The Sims 4 or Portal Knights ever. Those games like that will apparently make a debut on Switch, so i can always choose Nintendo version than Sony version. I'm DONE with Sony, so whatever their efforts they will NEVER Able to attract me back whatsoever reasons unless if i suddenly fallen into Same traps again.



Isn't this a Nintendo site.........



@Orangezap89 Yes, but we talk about Xbox and Playstation as well on the forums. Look on Pushsquare and you'll see Nintendo related threads as well.



@Alantor28 While I very much doubt that the PS5 will be launching Christmas 2019, Sony only really need a few months between announcing the console & launch as long as they're doing all the work in the background.

The main reason I don't believe that they'll release a PS5 next year is that the PS4 is still selling well enough & shifting enough games by the bucket load - as soon as a new console is announced, sales will slow up until the PS5's launch. Also, don't forget that Sony have to spend a TONNE of money in advance before the launch.

As for what the PS5 would be... I very much doubt it will be another traditional console or a hybrid - Sony know they can't really compete with PC specs & the costs aren't worth it. I could see Sony finally making a streaming box & Assassin's Creed Odyssey the majority of their games.

Danté: Old, cool & wise (the latter two are lies)
3DS FC: 1461-6243-5395
Switch FC: SW-4146-5915-6308
"Friendship is rare, hand me that shotgun buddy, hand me that chair."



I reckon Microsoft are going to show hardware at XO18. Could be a hybrid like Switch. Could be their next home console. Heck, they have nothing to lose by doing both! Either way, I dare say Sony aren't having an event this year so as to be able to react to what Microsoft are doing and both Nintendo and Sony have hardware lined up already (because that's standard).

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@GrailUK You reckon Microsoft will make a hybrid? I personally can't see that.. the biggest market for handheld gaming is Japan & that's a wasteland for Microsoft. That's like asking Sony to live on just the money they made from the PS Vita in the US/EU.

Much like I said with Sony, I think MS want to get out of the PC boxes and look into livestreaming their games.. Microsoft particularly due to their Xbox Passes & love of DRM. Basically get all the nice juicy software revenue & just sell some cheap to pump out "Xbox 2" dumb-boxes with just enough specs to put the stream on your TV and generate even more money.

Danté: Old, cool & wise (the latter two are lies)
3DS FC: 1461-6243-5395
Switch FC: SW-4146-5915-6308
"Friendship is rare, hand me that shotgun buddy, hand me that chair."



@DanteSolablood Switch was the number one hardware last month in USA. It's not like Microsoft hasn't thrown money at replicating Nintendo's successes in the past. If they are going big on console gaming no matter what system you are using - Xbox, PC or mobile, then it's well with the realm of possibility that they are making their own mobile Xbox console to join the Xbox family. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony have something similar. "Leaving the handheld market" translates to me as "Entering the hybrid market." (I'm always wrong lol)

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@GrailUK Given Microsoft's focus is services, I see streamed versions of Scarlett games on Switch as more likely than a Xbox hybrid.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


There are still quite a few big game releases for the current consoles (Last of Us 2, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Gears 5, Halo Infinite, Cyberpunk) that I think the consoles will probably be 2020. Unless all of these are crossover launch titles for the PS5/Xbox Two, it wouldn't really add up. I do think these will be the last AAA games for this gen though.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


@Grumblevolcano So you think they could stop making hardware? If you are going to adopt a philosophy of putting MS games on Switch, then it's applicable to home console too...infact, heck, the Switch can do both!

[Edited by GrailUK]

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@GrailUK No, don't forget that the internet in many places aren't good enough for streaming yet. I think they'll always have a traditional console option (powerful stationary box), streaming just being an alternative option for the few areas with good enough internet. I just don't see hybrid Xbox happening at all as hybrid technology is nowhere near powerful enough and streaming games negates the point of hybrids in the first place so if anything was to happen on the hybrid front I think it would be Scarlett games streamed on Switch as an alternative option for those with good enough internet.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897



They have said Cyberpunk is aiming for current platforms.

I don't think it's that unlikely it'll be a christmas 2019 PS4/Xbone game.
It's not THAT much more advanced than other things we've seen. It's in the same kind of technical category as Red Dead 2, Last of Us 2, Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.
Maybe slightly more advanced than those because of the density of the world. But not a huge amount of difference. Obviously the version we've seen will be the PC or XboneX version. They'll reduce the detail for the base consoles. It's simple enough to reduce the number of NPCs in a scene from 30 to 20.

I think when something has been in development for 6 years aimed at a particular platform, it'll usually come out on that platform. There'll no doubt be an improved port on the next consoles too though.

[Edited by Dezzy]

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


@Grumblevolcano I get ya. I'm not wholly convinced but I get ya.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611

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