
Topic: Final Fantasy XV

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RE: The Xenoblade Chronicles vs. FFXII debate: I'll agree that the side quests in FFXII were better than XC's. But I'll also say that's because so much of FFXII was based around the quest board, whereas in XC, they were frequently just more excuses to explore its gorgeous world, excuses that I know I hardly ever needed. The combat in XC also progressed much better. It could be frustrating, but at least it was spontaneous. The Gambit system in FFXII basically required that you plan out a lot of stuff ahead of time, and your flexibility was limited to how much you had already planned for, which I found made to be kind of a chore, especially since I'm terrible at planning ahead for anything. At least in XC, if any of my plans go awry, I could easily regroup without having to pause the game.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

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@CanisWolfred That's why I say that a person's enjoyment of FFXII largely depends on their reaction to the Gambit system. While it's limiting at the beginning of the game, I had a ton of fun concocting equations that would allow my party to tear through enemies with minimal input from me. If you don't find that fun, though, I can imagine the game would be somewhat frustrating. Even when my gambits didn't properly handle a battle, though, I loved that I could pause the game and directly input commands, or even fix the equations based on the unique attributes of an enemy.

It's like combat in older WRPGs, but better.

My problem with XC was the lack of almost anything substantive to do in the open world. I don't mind exploring an area if it has real stuff to find, but fighting tons of low level enemies and finding orbs is not my idea of engaging exploration.

Ugh. Men.



Yep the main thing I came away from Kingsglaive with was the impression that this really shouldn't have been a separately released movie.

It isn't really a movie at all. It's a very long intro trailer for the game. That's how it works and that should be how they presented it. Guessing they just wanted a reason to make some more money.

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Amazon is giving me conflicting reports, saying it'll be here tomorrow but the tracking details saying it'll be here today by 8, out for delivery.

But anyway, I watched the anime yesterday, and I can safely say it really hyped me up. I was worried the characters would be anime stereotypes just based on the small amount of personality that I saw in brief clips, but the anime really helped flesh them out as people. The world doesn't seem as boring as I initially thought, and I can't wait to jump into the actual game after watching the movie.



@Operative It's going to look even better on your Pro!

Do let us know what you think of it. I have a feeling a couple of folks in this very thread will buy Final Fantasy XV sooner than later too. I'm quite happy to play this when the dust settles next year sometime.



Is that the dust settling from christmas or from this release?

I'm gonna struggle to finish this before DQ8 comes out, that's for sure.

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I'm absolutely loving this so far. I only just got it yesterday. Played about 8 hours through the evening and night though.

The world is incredibly well designed and feels much more like a real place than most fantasy worlds. It doesn't quite have that Witcher 3/Skyrim level of detail and explorability but it's very enjoyable nonetheless.

Above all though, the combat is just excellent. Really surprised me. It's about 5 times as good as it was in the Duscae demo. Back then, it felt just like a kind of rubbish version of a Witcher style system. Now it feels completely different. Whilst it is realtime, it feels more tactical than action oriented. Possibly my favourite Final Fantasy battle system.

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The combat is definitely the highlight. Personally, the second I don't half of the game is where I fell in love with the characters, and I enjoy it more. But the side quests from the first half are also very fun. It's cool accidentally stumbling upon a dungeon while wandering around. Make the world feel more alive



Oh wow I didn't know the composer for this, Shimomura, was also one of the composers for Xenoblade Chronicles.
That explains why I love the music.

In other news the update patch for the game buggered up my save file and I've had to start again from the beginning. So that's nice. Gonna update it before starting.

[Edited by Dezzy]

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Got the Game a couple of Days ago.
So far i'm really enjoying it.
Sure, FFXV has a few problems, but nothing that takes away the Fun i have with it.



Yep the ~11 GB one is the current. Mine somehow buggered things up. It randomly stopped at 6GB and then reset the size to 5GB and wiped out my save files. So I just uninstalled the game (and patch) and then redownloaded. Now I'm not updating anything until I've finished the game.

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Good lord. So I'm gonna have to retract my comment about this being an amazing game.

Correction: the first 2/3 is amazing. The last 1/3 is absolutely awful. Though the ending seems to slightly redeem it by being quite interesting (in the final chapter now, will confirm or disconfirm later).

Despite it taking a decade to make. This game feels like half of it's just missing. The half that exists is excellent. And the lore and underlying story for the other half of it seems potentially excellent too. You just aren't actually shown any of it. It all happens off screen. The entire first half of the game is building towards something and then it just all changes and you're informed very vaguely via dialogue that it's changed, including a number of key characters dying. One of them you find out has died essentially by just stumbling upon their body.

This game genuinely feels like watching The Empire Strikes Back for the first 2/3rds and then some idiot comes into your house and switches the DVDs so you have to watch the last 1/3rd of Attack of the Clones instead.

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@Dezzy But the last third of Attack of the Clones was the best third...

Though I still get your point, I will be starting the game myself this week and have been warned plenty about the final part of the game.




Ok but in this metaphor, you actually haven't seen the first 2/3rds of Attack of the Clones. So while it might have been quite good, you don't really know what's going on. And even if you did know, it'd still be a lot worse than Empire Strikes Back.

And also imagine that you learned that Vader was Luke's father via text in a loading screen. It's really that level of incompetence in story telling.

[Edited by Dezzy]

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Lol, my comment was actually assuming you'd watched those. If you haven't watched those, it's even worse. They cover for the plot holes towards the beginning of the story. None of those at the end though.

[Edited by Dezzy]

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Nope. The Kingsglaive cutscenes really don't add that much I'm afraid. The movie itself is still essential watching for the general backstory and lore though.

Well in comparison to FF13, and other FF games, I'd say that FF13 has a bad story that's also badly told. FF10 by comparison has a bad story that's well told.
FF15 is then the inversion of that. It has a what ends up being a fairly good story. It's just very badly told.
If you'd just taken all of the content from this game like the lore, the main plot, the world design, the characters, and given it to a different developer like CD Projekt Red, I think they could come out with an absolute masterpiece. All of the components are very good. It's just a game that's less than the sum of its parts.

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I actually think the exact opposite. I'd LOVE to see a XV-2.

There's so much quality in this world and it's characters that's just wasted in this game. That's part of what annoys me about it. It feels like a lot of very good things have been wasted.
And given how much money they spent creating it, I bet they actually are considering it.

Just the same world with a new story and some new locations would brilliant. Possibly a prequel so they can reuse a lot of the same characters (nearly everyone's story is fairly definitively finished in this game). I really wanted to explore the second continent as well (which you don't get to do). Especially Tenebrae which looks like a really cool location (see and yet you only get to visit the train station there before you get moved along. Massive waste of an area they obviously put a lot of time and energy into.

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It would have to be a huge Witcher 3 style DLC to include what looks like an entire city.

And dunno about Gilgamesh but this game does have a lot of FF callback cameos in it. Including a very cool one from FF6 which I enjoyed.

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I read through the season pass info and apparently there are going to be 7 DLC?

So plenty of space to improve the story at least. I think I'll probably sell my copy and then rebuy the inevitable complete edition that comes out in a year or so.

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Oh so only 3 of them will be worth anything.

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