
Topic: (Global) Kid Icarus 3ds FC exchange/online match roundup

Posts 1 to 20 of 120


If you plan on getting Kid icarus uprising add me on your 3ds, i look forward to battling people online

[Edited by theblackdragon]

3ds FC 1633- 4211- 8833
Add me if you want to play! Proud owner of a cosmo black 3ds!
In any situation, give me a gun and give me a chair, I will chuck it at you, if you dare!


@Progamer: since you've made a new thread with a more appropriate title, and since no one had replied there anyway, I've gone ahead and deleted your thread from the other day about this same thing. Please do not make any more Kid Icarus FC threads — even if no one replies to this one immediately, it'll see use once the game's release date draws nearer. Thank you in advance.

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!



Sweet I added you, my 3ds friend code is in my sig

Check out SUBLIME GAMER, my YouTube Channel
God loves you


You don't have a 3ds

3ds FC 1633- 4211- 8833
Add me if you want to play! Proud owner of a cosmo black 3ds!
In any situation, give me a gun and give me a chair, I will chuck it at you, if you dare!


I have a 3DS and a Vita

Check out SUBLIME GAMER, my YouTube Channel
God loves you


oh, i don't see your 3ds friend code

3ds FC 1633- 4211- 8833
Add me if you want to play! Proud owner of a cosmo black 3ds!
In any situation, give me a gun and give me a chair, I will chuck it at you, if you dare!


I'm going to pass on RE:R and get this game. The Nintendo Power review made this game sound amazing.

3DS: 0173-1626-4750
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Check out my Colors!3D gallery!


Hey PROGRAMMER, get ready to fly high in the skies then you run into my samurai sword and get thrown back to earth. ADD MII!!!!!!!

PS Vita/Ps3/Ps4/PSN: NeoForceExtreme
3DS FC: 3523-3327-7598
Xbox 360: Neoforcedude
PC/Steam: VitaSmart


And samurai guy I add you too. or at least I will in the morning when my 3ds is fully charged!!!

PS Vita/Ps3/Ps4/PSN: NeoForceExtreme
3DS FC: 3523-3327-7598
Xbox 360: Neoforcedude
PC/Steam: VitaSmart


Yes we needed a thread for this!
I'll be getting my copy day one can't wait. So if you want to add me (and if its ok that I add you) click on my backlog link in my sig. Then click on the 3DS icon in the right corner to get my FC.

Thanks in advance, and in 2 months, see you on the battlefield!

Wiiu: "the next generation of gaming is here"
All My info! 3DS friend code, PSN ID and WiiU ID on my backlog!
Wiiu ID: bonesy. Add me if you play monster hunter 3 ultimate.


I'm going to pre-order this sometime next week

3ds name:
3ds FC: 4983-5098-5795
Games I have 3DS:
Sonic G
Super Smash Bros. 3DS
Animal Crossing



pre-ordering tomorrow.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


Add me folks, I Preordered it a while ago.

Formally Square-enixFan, Neo-GeoFan. A lover of fine games and handheld systems!!!!!!!!!!
The New 3DS XL is amazing, soon the NX will be upon us!
Check my Youtube channel out!


I decided to get both RE:R and this game. @The3DSismine, I just saw that you added me. I'll try to add you if I can remember.

3DS: 0173-1626-4750
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Check out my Colors!3D gallery!


The friend code thread is HERE.

[Edited by LordTendoboy]

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


LordTendoboy wrote:

The friend code thread is HERE.

Except this topic isn't about 3DS codes, it's about Kid Icarus matchmaking.
and I love it how you are the person who puts a link to the 3ds friend code topic


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


SamuraiShyGuy wrote:

I'm going to pass on RE:R and get this game. The Nintendo Power review made this game sound amazing.

LOL... Don't you mean Preview?

My code is in my sig. Getting the game day one, add me if you want, but make sure you tell me!

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit


I will add anyone here, I'm so excited for this game! Reply if you add me, as usual fc is in the sig-

Welcome to my signature.
8 Bit Forward Come check out our Forums, Game Challenge League, Reviews, Interviews and more!
The Great Wall of Backlog



Been waiting for this game since e3. FC in sig.
Planning to get this a day early from the event since I live in new York. Hope to play one of y'all.
Also add me for Revelations or mk7

This information was outdated.
So Now I got to think what to add here!

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