Obviously final fantasy is what most want to see but seriously square have released some awesome games.
One I want to see on switch is Chaos rings, right now I’m playing the third one which is fantastic, also the world ends with you needs to come too.
Also would like to see Sega jet set radio come to switch
Well The World Ends With You are officially going to come to Switch...
To be honest, maybe Kingdom Hearts? Like the 1.5, 2.5, 2.8, 0.2, whatever, so many numbers by now :U If it came to Switch I promised that I would give the series a try... huesh
For ones that aren't announced...
FF Tactics definitely
Kingdom Hearts (I want my HD portable KH games)
Bravely Series (Never got to play, I wouldn't miss them again)
Dragon Quest Monsters pack (1+2 and Caravan in english please?)
Fortune Street (It's perfect for joycons)
Tomb Raider (Never got a chance to play the new ones, so I'd take ports)
and last but certainly not least, give me some Ogre games. Heck, I'd take a 64 remake hands down.
You guys all have said some awesome ones, but ones most mentioned, have any of you guys played some of the games they released on iOS in 2010 onwards? These are the ones I personally want to see, as they really have made some great games that would be perfect for the switch.
Has anyone even played any of the chaos ring games?
@bluemage1989 my god a ffantasy bundle of 1-10 omfg could you imagine!
That’s like hundreds of hours of quality gameplay
Also a new ff tactics would be epic, I loved that game
The dream: just about everything leading with bundled compilations of their classics lovingly emulated but extending to HD versions of their 3DS Dragon Quest games.
The reality: the “HD” (hahaha) versions of Chrono Trigger and FF that steam gets. £15-20 each. Strictly no sales.
Topic: Which Square Enix franchises would you like to see on switch?
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