I've played it for a few hours now. The gameplay is solid, pretty typical for the dungeon crawler genre. But the game is a mess on the technical side. An inconsistent frame rate, occasional hard-crashes to the Switch dashboard, along with physics and texture issues while playing. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun (if you're eager to play a Diablo-clone), but buyer beware.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,419 games (as of March 10th, 2025)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
I have now completed Act 1 and my game has not crashed at all, i'm really loving the game, during Act 1 i have mainly played it in single player mode but last night played it online, the only time i noticed the frame rate to drop is when another player joined the game apart from that its ace.
FWIW, I remember when the game first came out on PC it was kind of a choppy stuttery mess even on high end hardware, and was far more demanding (and pushed far more heat) than a game that looks like it did (even back then) should have. PCs caught up and surpassed it's needs in a decade, but it's funny, the Switch launch feels "normal" to me having played it day one on PC in, what, '06?
It released the same month as Prey (the real Prey, not the weird Bethesda space station Prey), which was, at the time, a highly highly demanding game at high settings pushing the latest and greatest hardware had to offer. Prey ran smooth as silk at the eye-watering resolution (at the time) of 1600x1200 with maxed settings on my setup at the time.....Titan Quest slowed to crawls
@CdrJameson Diablo II > Titan Quest >>> Diablo III. (Edit: I still like Diablo III (well, on console without the gambling...) but it's no DII. And TQ is such a great DII clone.
@NEStalgia I thought I'd hate Diablo 3 because of the changes but I love it. I still love Diablo 2 though and now have Titan Quest in my hands so fingers crossed...
@CdrJameson I like D3....but I just can't love it That being said, I own 3 copies... D2 is just a beautiful classic though. You'll like TQ It feels a bit more "sterile" in some ways, and yet often when I think back to D2 I find I'm actually remembering parts of TQ. There's definitely things it does better than Diablo, despite the things it does worse. And I noticed some parts of D3 feel a little lifted from TQ...the flattery goes both ways!
@NEStalgia I have 2 copies of D3 (PS3 & PS4) and 2 copies of D2 (both PC but I lost my original CD in a move). I've only managed to spend 15 minutes with TQ so far but already I know I'll love it. It definitely feels a lot like D2 with graphics similar to Age of Empires.
@CdrJameson Haha, funny you'd mention the graphics remind you of AoE. In case you didn't know, Titan Quest was produced by Brian Sullivan, one of the creators of AoE....definitely not a coincidence
Anyone has the Titan Quest for the Switch and finished the game? I want to buy it as it is now available for my country but I read about some bugs that do not allow you to finish the game.
So I wonder if it is worth it. I will buy it with 20% discount but I want to be able to finish the game even with some bugs on the cartridge.
Hi Guys, I am about to buy this game, because i loved it so much on PC, and I am a huge ARPG fan. Now that they announced Dio 3 I wasn't that sure anymore that I need TQ, but for Diablo i'll still need to wait monthes, and anyway I still have the same distaste for the game, that i had when it came out to PC, and as a result I deleted after a month. So in D3 i miss the charachter building part, you choose between your skills as you choose between you weapons in doom, you don't have to build your character, the rpg part is totally missing from the game. So this is why i rather go now with TQ, however I am pretty sure as well that i will give one more try for Diablo later on.
But I have a question as well, if you want to play TQ online, will you need to have nintendo online, do you need to pay the fee? Are there a lot of player online now, is it hard to find mates for playing? Trading is available somehow? Do you know any other forums where TQ is discussed? (I am planning to put hundred of hours into the game..)
I am going to get my hand on it at the weekend.
I am wondering if the item disappearing issue is still in the game. Please report if you find out something this regards.
@SlayerSub I will. As far as I know the base game has crash and graphics issues but nothing game breaking. I also will NOT update the game. I want to know if the game is fully playable off the cart alone.
Ok I will look for that. I wonder if it is only a graphical issue like only the textures are missing. Do you have another artefact to put in there to see if it switches back?
It is not my video. ( i dont have the game yet )
But this is a well known issue by the community that items are disappearing, check the internet.
Some sources:
Does anyone have any idea how to chat while your are playing online? Or how should i know where the other player is in the game?
The game must support it for that to work. And only headset I know work for fortnite and maybe Titan would be from TurtleBeach but that would be in Docked mode since it plugs into the USB port to work.
Ok I played a little but the game is really bad port.
I did not experience crashes or frame rate issues but there are graphical issues that the developers should be ashamed of.
In some areas the spell effects turn into cubes of light. There are armors floating in the air.
Those things should NOT happen.
I am really dissapointed in the quality of the port. I hope they patch it but the damage has been done already.
The porting team should be ashamed.
Also my Switch is turning hot while playing the game and I could hear the fan inside for the first time. This did not happen with Zelda or Skyrim or Lego Worlds.
So bad optimization for a 2006 game.
Even with patching this is stupid and lazy work. And I read the same for the PS4 and XboxOne ports as well.
Topic: Titan Quest
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