@Oblique Wowsers, that must have been a tense/fun last lap in that time trial - don't think I've seen a time difference that tight before. Did you get a screen cap of the finish line?
You guys had me at blood and semen.
What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?
@BanjoPickles You can either upload them to a social media account through your Switch, save them and upload to an image sharing site and then share here or save them onto an SD card and then take it out the Switch and transfer them that way. I'd recommend the former as I am dubious about taking the SD card out my Switch too much. I've had SD cards get corrupted before doing this with other tech. If you don't have Twitter or Facebook just make a private account and use it only for a way to upload photos.
1. Link your Switch account to a Twitter/Facebook account (I made a new "Switch specific" Twitter account for uploading pictures from my Switch since I didn't want to use my regular account for that stuff.)
2. Upload your pictures to the Twitter/Facebook account.
@BanjoPickles I can see your screenshot but I recommend saving it and uploading to an image sharing site.
Save the image and then go to imgur.com
Click the little cloud icon in the top right corner to upload your image. It might ask you to download the app if you're on mobile, just hit X and close that screen.
Click upload from device and ignore the publish to imgur
Once your image is uploaded, you have a few options to share. Click where it says link just above and to the left of your image. It opens a drop down box. The one you need is BB Code.Copy the code and paste it here. Your image should now show in your post. It works the exact same way for posting multiple images at the same time.
Do this:
1. Go to the picture in Facebook.
2. Right click on the picture and choose "open image in new tab", so that you get a tab in your browser where only the picture itself is visible.
3. Copy the URL of the picture.
4. To post the picture here, paste the URL within the following command:
(img) Pasted URL (/img), but replace the ( with [.
And it should appear like this:
Looking forward to: No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again
@19Robb92 That's a much easier way.I didn't think about that. Facebook is already hosting your image so there's no need for an image hosting site. Nice one, cheers!
Does anyone know if there's a way to tell handheld and docked screenshots apart? Either on the system or when browsing them on my PC? Other than scrutinizing the visuals, I can't seem to find anything to tell them apart since the Switch outputs all screenshots at 720p...
Can I share a square with you?
Sure, Rex. But don't tell Pyra.
I'm starting to notice a trend here.
I hope this one isn't a lie.
The first image of a new Donkey Kong game coming to Switch?
Umm... Hello? I'd like to battle. Anyone hear me?
It's over already?
Don't you dare come near me.
Topic: The Switch Screenshot Thread
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