
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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Octane wrote:

Why are people so obsessed with playing as Zelda?

It's a good way of killing 2 birds with one stone. 1 is that they often struggle to find a reason for Zelda to have a major role in the story. 2 is that some people wanted a female Link. It obviously makes sense to use Zelda rather than changing the sex of established characters.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Hot take: BotW had the best story in the series, regardless of how one feels about that story primarily taking place in the past.

Zelda stories are usually awful. Twilight Princess' "story" was a long string of McGuffin hunts strung together with vague high fantasy concepts, for example. BotW's narrative focused more on the internal struggles of Princess Zelda with her destiny, which I found very interesting. The way story cutscenes are used as a reward for exploration and puzzling together the location of a photo was also inspired and forced me to integrate my mental picture of Hyrule gradually as I explored the land. It also jelled perfectly with the design of an open world game where you have the freedom to go anywhere. There's no getting distracted from the main quest in that game, as almost everything makes you more powerful in some way, which contributes to your primary goal of annihilating Ganon. It's a game almost completely free of ludonarrative dissonance.

It needed fishing, though. The lack of proper fishing is inexcusable.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS)

Ugh. Men.


i'm by no means obsessed. just, as a girl, who is absolutely in love with this series, the prospect of being able to play as the female titular character makes me so excited! it's not something guys often think about, because most video game protagonists are male by default (yes i know not always, but most). if you always played as a girl, and now you had a chance to play as a guy in your favorite series, wouldn't you be excited? i know i am! i love link and i don't want to replace him. but it'd be nice to shake things up.

i don't want zelda playable just because she's a girl though. i want it to make sense with the plot, i want the plot to be just as good as it always is and i want her to be unique. also @Ralizah totally agree on the fishing.



Arbor wrote:

it's not something guys often think about, because most video game protagonists are male by default (yes i know not always, but most).

I don't think that's actually true any more. If you look through the list of all games mentioned in the E3 direct, and separate them into 3 categories. 1) Exclusively male protag 2) Exclusively female protag, 3) Character choice/party of multiple characters.
I think you'll find that the 3rd category is easily the largest.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Ready for release, holiday 2021. Calling it now.

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Switch username: Em
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@Arbor Maybe that's just Nintendo with Mario and Link, but it's mostly 50/50 these days. And no, I wouldn't want to play as Larry Croft or male Samus



Erm, just watched it again and just saw the upside down person, just a thought, don't know if anyone else has said it but.. Lorule???

Therefore a parallel world map???

But please bring back Dungeons

[Edited by Bunkerneath]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


I can't wait till this thread devolves to talking about grass the way it did for the first game.

3DS FC: 3222-5568-3578


EOTW wrote:

I can't wait till this thread devolves to talking about grass the way it did for the first game.

There's no grass underground tho. I hope you will be able to cut the stalagmites!

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


the good ol' days of year long droughts. ahhhh

"Enthusiastic Hi" (awkward stare)
Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5081-0666-1429
PS4 Thing: TBA


Oh boy, don't remind me...



Just wait, they’ll do a Square Enix, delay the game 5 years in a row, and then sell it as a different title.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


jump wrote:

EOTW wrote:

I can't wait till this thread devolves to talking about grass the way it did for the first game.

There's no grass underground tho. I hope you will be able to cut the stalagmites!

This is a high fantasy game. There can be grass anywhere.

XBox/Steam/Epic: owendershot | Switch friend code: I don't remember, these codes are crazy, I'll check later.
Playstations are fine, but I don't have one.


@Octane the difference is, though, you're not playing as some made-up female version of link, like your suggested "larry croft". zelda is the titular character of the series. she's always been the distressed maiden, until botw, when she had a more central story focus. i think now is the right time to let her shine and have her own game.

i really hope, that since they will be re-using many assets (presumably), we will see this game in 2021. i think next year is a huge stretch, but i hope it doesn't bleed into 2022. and if it does, i hope we get quality ports in the meantime to tide us over.



@Arbor 2020 is possible I think. Late 2020 means they've had three years to work on this; and they're reusing the engine, the world, character models, etc. If Kojima can build Death Stranding from scratch in three years, I'm certain Nintendo can finish BOTW 2 in the same amount of time



Yeah honestly I think this is a holiday 2020 game. Assuming they're also using the same map as a base for whatever alterations they're gonna do, the most time-consuming part of development is pretty much done for them already, being the engine itself and the overall map. But we'll see. I just don't see them announcing it with in-game footage if it was another 2 years off.



EOTW wrote:

I can't wait till this thread devolves to talking about grass the way it did for the first game.

No cutting grass for rupees. 7/10



kkslider5552000 wrote:

The real obsessed ones were the ones in the debate for a female Link, get it right. Wanting Zelda playable were the moderates. (I wish I was joking, this sounds dumb but is absolutely accurate in every way)

Having the ability to choose the gender of Link is not taking anything away, only adding. The story of botw could have worked just as well with a female Link. And in the case of games, they are dynamic media. They are not static like movies where you have to cast an actor and stick with the choice.

I can only speak for me and my family, but if my girls choose between two games they will take the one with a girl. Customization is even better.



...but there’s literally no point in having “female link” when the titular character of the series is female???? let her live

[Edited by Arbor]


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