
Topic: Switch doesn't delete reserved space when a game download fails.

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I got a new 32GB SDHC card and started installing games in it. When downloading a game on the mircoSD card, I noticed that it reserves space for the game installation. However, if an error occurs, the Switch just cancels the download and leaves the reserved space behind with no game installed. I had to format the card everytime. I even did a normal format instead of a quick format on my PC. It worked fine until I tried installing another game then it just gave me less space because that also had an error. If I keep attempting to redownload the software, my microSD card would just fill up. I hope the Switch can just delete the reserved space.

My SD Card is not a fake. I verified that it is a 32GB SD card with the h2testw utility.



@DeadBronco Hmm. That is an odd one.(new to me anyway)

Did you try formatting the card with the Switch? If you talk to Nintendo support, I think that might be where they'd direct you first for troubleshooting.(if you did, disregard.😉)

The other thing I wonder, is there's nintendo server traffic? High volume times can can affect game downloads. (most notably when a highly anticipated game releases, or the days following Christmas. Or sometimes, ramdom.) If it's a high volume issue, night time usually slows, and you can leave the console in sleep mode over night, game will download by morning.

If you've never called Nintendo before, I'll say I've used them four times myself with positive experiences.(I can't say that for a lot of companies with inside tech). It's not that hard to get someone on the phone there.(Also can't say that for most all big companies)

Other than those basic things, I'm not sure what else to suggest. If it is a freak tech issue, support will be your best friend.

(side note: nintendo support page used to offer two ways to format a micro sd card for the Switch: format with PC, and format with Switch cosnole itself. But since last year, the PC option has been removed from nintendo support's page, or buried under another topic/title. I think I used a pc to format micro sd, but that was back in 2018-ish.)

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

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How did you verify not Fake card? What's the brand name and where did you buy it from? If you search online google can give you links to lookup on formatting the sd card. But since the problem your describing sounds like a Fake sd Card to have that much issues.



Press start on the game that wasn't installed and archive it, then download it again once you freed up some space, you don't need to manually format your SD card every time.


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