I'm in the ship and got the dungeon map and in order to get into the new room that is revealed on the map, I need to shoot an arrow through the stopped fan in the hall with 4 doors at the blue target on the wall. However, there is no blue target...only a gold one. I AM TOTALLY FRUSTRATED!!! I LOADED A PREVIOUS SAVE AND GOT THE DUNGEON MAP 3 MORE TIMES AND STILL NO BLUE TARGET. I SAVE OFTEN SO I CAN'T GO BACK BEFORE THE SAND DESERT. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME???
From what I can understand and remember, the layout of that ship. You're supposed to shoot the eye on the wall( the same one you just mentioned). And then go to the room where the eye opened. There are supposed to be those lighting enemies. After you take them out, you have to move a block to step on a switch to shoot another eye target.
If that doesn't help or it confuses you more. I would read or watch any walkthrough on this dungeon and retrace your steps.
Topic: STUCK IN SANDSHIP in Zelda Skyward Sword
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