I don't know if somebody else said this before here, but here I go... (sorry if already exists a topic about this!)
What do you think of a port/remake or even an entire new game using the same basis of the N64 Perfect Dark?
It's one of the best shooters in my opinion. (I'm not talking about the Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox 360).
This game feels very good and it's very beautiful. It's hard to make a 1st person shooter wich works so good with joysticks instead keyboard+mouse and they made it with Goldeneye 007 and PD. Maybe can be nostalgia, maybe can be the fine job from Nintendo and Rare.
If Rareware doesn't exists anymore they could use the "know-how" or just make a decent port for the Switch.
My Top 9 Favorite Games of All time.
1. Judgement
2. Baldur's Gate 3
3. Bully (Rockstar)
4. Person 4 / Golden
5. Sonic Adventure 2
6. Xenoblade X
7. Ape Escape 2
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
9. James Bond 007 Nightfire
Switch Friend Code: SW-5070-3616-4044 | My Nintendo: Aozz101x
@NaviAndMii I thought Retro's game was going to be a totally new IP based on the horror genre. They posted some artwork last year. (Or maybe I dreamt it)
I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.
@bluemage1989 Yes, PD Zero is a dull game. The first one - wich is an unofficial sequel to 007 GoldenEye - is beautifull and very fun to play even nowadays. I remember when they was creating this game and delaying and delaying the launch because they was working really hard on it (not only to create expectations.. this one tooks 1 or 2 years being delayed and great game). But, you know, i can't buy the xbox only for this...
I remember playing it back in the day just after launch and thinking it was incredible. It built on everything GoldenEye did and created a true classic. It would be up there with the very best of the N64.
Its a shame that Rare Replay will unlikely ever come to Switch as there's some great N64 classics and Battletoads that just feel like they should be on Nintendo hardware. I own an OG Xbox One and it makes a good companion console. Not many exclusives but they can be picked up really cheap pre used these days (I've seen as low as £50 for decent condition systems unboxed) if you ever see one at a good price I'd highly recommend it as a machine for playing those games that won't appear on Switch.
Topic: Perfect Dark on Nintendo Switch
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