Think about the equation you're describing. Do you think Nintendo would be concerned about someone not buying Switch and choosing to instead wait a few months for the more expensive, new release laden, longer life left ahead of it Switch 2? Because I don't think they would be
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Think about the equation you're describing. Do you think Nintendo would be concerned about someone not buying Switch and choosing to instead wait a few months for the more expensive, new release laden, longer life left ahead of it Switch 2? Because I don't think they would be
The amount of Switches they've got knocking around in storage could be a factor. If you've got 2 million units made and sitting on shelves, you'll have one eye on trying to clear some of that. Perhaps.
You guys had me at blood and semen.
What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?
They sold 6mill 3DS units the year the Switch launched, 9mill DS the year 3DS launched, 5mill Wii the year the Wii U launched. They're probably shifting at least another 15mill regardless of what happens with this announcements. I don't think they're at all concerned about Switch stock
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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions
I wonder how much the retailer situation fits into all this. You have physical retailers disappearing or heading towards not selling physical anymore meanwhile online retailers are breaking street date for games like Jamboree.
@Grumblevolcano Yeah a lot of retailers are either struggling or going digital only (or are at least considering it). Even Amazon US doesn’t have Nintendo games until/after release, and most eShop gift cards are unavailable. I wonder if the next console will be pre-order-able on Amazon US or not. Nintendo certainly doesn’t want people to get their hands on a console early.
There's the first tweet of the day. It seems the playtest will still be a mystery by the time more info drops on Sunday evening/Monday morning to those who got into the playtest.
Looks like the next date to be hopelessly hopeful for a Switch 2 Direct is Thursday, Oct 24th 🥴 A tweet announcement probably would be around Tuesday-Wednesday if so!
Might it be possible that during tomorrow's last video of Sakurai-san, he announces a Nintendo Direct to air the following day? His video's going to be 40 minutes long, and we have no idea what it's going to be about.
Part of me hopes it includes a first look at his next game and it'll be the first officially announced game for Switch 2. Ending the video with a line like "Find out more about the game and the next Nintendo console during tomorrow's Nintendo Direct" would be really sweet.
But it'll probably be a video about his cats instead. 😹
I hope Sakurai announces he has accepted a job at Playstation or something along those lines, lol.
Nintendo fandom frothing at the mouth if he announces anything not Smash or Kid Icarus related.
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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
@valtianeea Considering his channel isn't even associated with Nintendo, and the fact he technically isn't even a Nintendo employee, that seems pretty much impossible. Would be cool though.
Sakurai-san not being a Nintendo employee is a good point. Though I wouldn't rule out Nintendo hiring him to get everyone excited about what's coming. He's one of the most respected game developers out there after all.
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?
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