
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?

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I think I was pretty damn close

skywake wrote:

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if all we get is something along the lines of "we will have more to say about new hardware at a later date but we intend to continue supporting Switch with new software alongside any new hardware release"

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


I think I will be more satisfied by Wholesome Direct 2024 than Nintendo Direct June 2024 as there are a lot of cute indie games announcement from Wholesome Direct.
And I'm more 3rd party games centric than 1st party games.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



I'm not sure what you posted there Anti but I'm sure there will be more than enough titles to fill out the tail end of 2023 that satisfy your requirements. For the sake of the rest of us though lets hope that there is more than just anti-fare for the Switch 2 launch

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Definitely curious to see what games they have lined up for the 2nd half of the year to show off in the Direct.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


And here we are! It's coming in June, and my guess is early/mid June. However at least we don't have to worry about there not being a Direct like we do almost every June, right?

Switch's successor wasn't necessarily revealed, but we do have it confirmed that it's gonna be revealed this fiscal year, which is enough for me!

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


I'm super pumped about this! I still love my Switch, and I'm in the camp that March 2025 for a Switch 2 launch is the EARLIEST I'd be ok with - people need to learn some chill and actually play the games they own. The Switch has the best gaming catalog of all time, aside from PC, and I'm gonna be more than busy trying to experience as much of it as I can.



Will be very interesting to see what games Nintendo will show at the June Direct. Luigis Mansion comes out on the 27th of June so I'd expect the Direct to be before that date and to feature that game.

Maybe we'll get release dates for Professor Layton, Decapolice, Inazuma Eleven, Little Nightmares 3 and Ys Nordics.



"Announced" this fiscal year?

Translation...Switch 2 announced in March 2025, preorders live June 2025, release in November 2025.

Can't wait.

Most citizens won't understand how Nintendo's fiscal year runs from April 2024 to March 2025.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


My guess for the June Direct:

  • Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
  • While you wait, play Luigi's Mansion 1 HD available now, physical edition available in September.
  • Thanks for playing TTYD
  • Switch Online
  • NES Championships trailer (the game would likely be announced before the Direct, although it is probably still here.)
  • Kirby game
  • filler content (although a surprisingly low amount of 3rd party farming simulators and square enix 2DHD jrpgs which is very refreshing and good)
  • Some Splatoon thing idk
  • Metroid Prime 4 releasing October
  • The big ending reveal. They might bend the rules a bit and share their first Switch 2 game. I believe this to be the next 3D Mario or Mario Kart.

Edited on by PikminMarioKirby

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


I will not expecting too much about the announced games from Nintendo Direct June 2024.
If there is at least 1 game I have interest, that's enough for me.
If not many interesting games for me, I can focus on playing my current games.
Also, during June 2024 looks like my hype with PS5 will be on the top.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



So June Direct confirmed wow was on only for current switch sooo exciteddddd the drought is endingggg guysss

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


This is big news. I hate to say it, but my luster for the switch is finally starting to wear out. Hasn't happened in ever. I just haven't been buying of switch games lately, since November of 2023 to be exact. And TTYD will be the first nintendo game I buy this year. Only other was PoP which isn't even a nintendo game. Very excited to see what they announce. Please be a metroid game and some zelda remaster. Save the new zelda games for switch 2.

Edited on by NintendoByNature



So happy to be wrong! Not only switch 2 announcement soon, but a June direct too! It's the best of both worlds. Considering the only announced game yet to come out by then is Luigi's Mansion 2, there should be a good ammount of new games announced. If Metroid Prime 4 really is a Switch 1 game, it'll be there for sure.



@NintendoByNature I'm excited for the Direct as well! My #1 hope is a Luigi's Mansion 1 GameCube port, then all my favorite games would be on the console! I got a few smaller eShop games early in the year, but I haven't got anything else this year, besides of course the upcoming TTYD which I pre-ordered.

@Sigran102 It is often great to go in with lower expectations, so you don't get disappointed if it doesn't get announced, and if it does you get pleasantly surprised! Not only a successor mention, but also a Direct confirmation! I am honestly more excited about the Direct. I'm really hoping for a LM1 port, a Kirby spin-off, or a 3D Mario tease. There's a lot of possibilities for the Direct, I hope it's good! Metroid Prime 4 does have a chance I think, it may finally be time!

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


I hope for remake of 2D Zelda in June's direct!



@PikminMarioKirby yep. I've bought a couple small things on sale, nothing crazy. Hoping for some gamecube stuff as well..or rather, WiiU HD ports of zelda games lol.



@zlobnicazelda thought I was the only one on this earth who wants that 🤣. I'd like an indie team to handle it though since I don't think it would be a massive undertaking. Maybe sabotage, yacht club games, or inti creates.

Edit:I totally misread your comment. I somehow read it as zelda 2 remake lol. Either way, I stand by my comment.

Edited on by NintendoByNature



@NintendoByNature You're not the only one! I would kill for a Zelda II remake! PLEASE NINTENDO!


Don't tell the me moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass.
-Anton Chekhov

Sorry, I can't stop changing my PFP!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


Welp, since Nintendo announced it ahead of time...I never really posted here...but I might as well post what I'm hoping for...and then be really disappointed when none of this actually happens.

1. Tomodachi Life HD/2. (with the make-up system from the Switch version of Miitopia)
2. Rhythm Heaven
3. Metroid Prime 2
4. Wind Waker and/or Twilight Princess
5. Fortune Street (This is definitely not happening, I just want this to return...I miss it)
6. Paper Mario and The thousand Year-, oh wait, we're already getting that game. I dunno, Super Paper Mario then, I guess. lol

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Copying @Joeynator3000 with a list of my own:

  • Tomodachi Life II: I agree, this would be awesome!
  • The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link REMAKE: Please Nintendo, I am begging you.
  • Splatoon 3: Drizzle Season 2024: This won't happen but I like my copium.
  • Metroid Prime 2 Remastered: Almost a given IMO

Edited on by CaleBoi25


Don't tell the me moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass.
-Anton Chekhov

Sorry, I can't stop changing my PFP!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25

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