
Topic: NBA 2K19

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They just released a trailer for it today along with opening up pre-orders. I’m excited it’s coming to Switch again. If you pre-order you get to play it four days early along with some VC bonuses. The trailer is all about LeBron James since he’s on the cover. Check it out.



I recently purchased NBA 2K18 as it was on sale and it is definitely one of the most complete sports packages a game has offered in a number of years. I am a huge fan of FIFA but I feel NBA has put it to shame. I will definitely be picking up NBA 2K19 - I think with it being an anniversary editionit is going to be a step up again!



I'll wait this time til it's $20, just because they come out annually. But I will eventually pick it up, along with FIFA 19.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Bought 2k18 today since it's on sale for less than $20. Can't wait to dive in and am looking forward to 19. Probably a black Friday purchase.



According to the cover art, a minimum download of 32GB is required.

Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


Meh, I'm tired of these annualized sports simulation games.

I miss the NBA Street series of games, the spiritual successor to the NBA Jam series.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,371 games (as of December 23rd, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I can't see why its such a big deal having a 32gb download but I guess some people are never pleased.



Yes I got this today.



In my head I want to purchase the game. Watched a lot of gameplay and just can’t get over what I see. The player models just look off and lifeless. That along with the lack of clothing physics they just look off to me. Hopefully it still sells well and can get another version next year with further improvements.



If anyone bought physical, does it need an additional download like 2k18 did?



I bought physical. A 28gb download was required. It looks to be a good game this year with the limited time I've had with it so far. It's not as sharp in picture quality in comparison to Xbox or PlayStation but it looks and plays very good. Looking forward to diving into game modes soon.

Mayo for Sam. Year TBC.


I just picked it up tonight. Waiting to get home and download what’s needed for it.



Really want to pick this up at some point. Here is a comment from someone who uploaded good quality, portable mode gameplay to YouTube: "I've been playing switch version of NBA 2K19 for 4 hours since its release. Generally speaking, when playing docked (TV mode), the framerate is about the same as last year, however I felt that this year it's much more responsive, the shooting is a lot more controllable comparing to a laggy experience last year. When playing handheld, the experience is much better, better than TV mode, better than last year. I felt it's a lot more smooth and responsive when playing handheld. Definitely an improvement over last year's version."

And here's the video:

[Edited by Introspect]



Introspect wrote:

Really want to pick this up at some point. Here is a comment from someone who uploaded good quality, portable mode gameplay to YouTube: "I've been playing switch version of NBA 2K19 for 4 hours since its release. Generally speaking, when playing docked (TV mode), the framerate is about the same as last year, however I felt that this year it's much more responsive, the shooting is a lot more controllable comparing to a laggy experience last year. When playing handheld, the experience is much better, better than TV mode, better than last year. I felt it's a lot more smooth and responsive when playing handheld. Definitely an improvement over last year's version."

And here's the video:

Awesome. Makes me happy for the purchase already. I didn't put as much time in it as a lot of other people. But I had over 55 hours in it. My second highest played game on Switch. I'm sure I'll get more time in this one.



@Introspect Agreed. Have only played on TV so far but it looks and plays great. Gonna play handheld later to see how that feels.

Mayo for Sam. Year TBC.


I can’t connect to the 2K online service in the game. I went to the and didn’t see Switch on there. Do we have to wait for some reason?



Am I the only one having trouble connecting?



Man. I want to try but not full price. I wish EA gave us live so we can have a competing game.



I’m so glad I’m not the only one with the issue of connecting online lol I just noticed yesterday afternoon if you look at the back of the box in a small print under the GB it says “Online” and it says “Nintendo Switch online membership (sold separately) & Nintendo Account required for online play.” I’m guessing we have to wait till tomorrow for online features, that’s my only theory @DTMOF84

[Edited by thebndr]



Sorry, 2K, but selling a physical cart that requires a 30GB download is a slap in the face to your customers.

The Mountain Man

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