Oh really? I didn't watch the Direct, I think that they are really slow and boring, so I didn't know. I almost fell asleep watching the SMB one. Luigi's Mansion 3 is great news in my book, so happy about it. However, where is
Wave Race
Pikmin 4
And will Metroid Prime 4 live up to my expectations?
This is a weird one. Because this is not a game I feel particularly excited about. And I have no idea why, really? Both the previous games are awesome, this will likely also be awesome, don't let anyone tell you otherwise quite frankly.
I was wishing for the first game on the Switch, but this is fine. As long as the theme is more like the original. Dark Moon was fine, but it just didn't have that spooky theme the original had. The bosses were more, fun, though.
But yeah, something else I enjoyed about the original was that it was much darker when it comes to visuals...I know it was to show off the GCN's graphics, but still...Dark Moon wasn't as dark, which bugged me. lol
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It looks too much like Dark Moon. For a few seconds, I thought it was a 3DS game or an enhanced version of Dark Moon. At any rate, I'm eager for more news. Should be a fun game. Just want it to play more like the original.
i wonder if Next Level Games is working on LM3 with Nintendo EPD.
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3. Bully (Rockstar)
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8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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"Luigi's Mansion 3 is coming to Switch"
. turns on a tape deck and cranks up the music before starting to dance
I'm so excited!
And I just can't hide it!
I'm about to lose control,
And I think I like it! turns off the tape deck, bows, and walks away
Loved the original, loved the second one on 3DS, can't wait for this one.
It would be even greater if it came with the first two able to unlock in game
I will say, I remember when this game was new. It might seem crazy now for some of you, but there was a lot of dislike and disappointment towards this game because it was a launch title for the Gamecube instead of the next Mario game. Most people agreed it was a good video game, but it was this sort of, wacky little game, not the next big Mario adventure, how stupid are Nintendo! ...and to be fair, it was stupid in order to sell the console to launch your console with this instead of Mario, I guess they didn't have a choice and Mario wasn't ready. And ironically, Sunshine is still somewhat of a love it or hate it game while Luigi's Mansion pretty quickly was regarded as a great game.
So now we come to 2018 where everyone is thrilled to see a 3rd Luigi's Mansion game! Well deserved, but it's just funny to contrast that with initial reactions back in the day.
@kkslider5552000 Oh I remember those days. I mean, I sort of got it, as much as I loved Luigi's Mansion not having Super Mario 64's sequel after so long without a Mario game was really disappointing. I mean, you have to add for context that there was... 6 years between mario platformer? I think that's the largest gap since Super Mario Bros came out. No NSMB yet, so the gap was huge, and we didn't get any new games on the Gameboy either during that time. People complain about NSMB, but I remember back to that gap and... yeah.
@kkslider5552000 haha yeah I remember those days at the time I just couldn't wrap my head around why Luigi was the launch title I remember the backlash and the OG Nintendoomers saying Luigi's Mansion was the beginning of the end. Funny how it all worked out. I was genuinely shocked by the Luigi's Mansion 3 announcement didn't see that coming at all but am excited for that big time.
Topic: Luigi's Mansion 3
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