TBH, I didn't really see much difference in terms of graphics between what I've played on the Wii and this "HD" port... Just like someone else said, they CLEARLY made the PS2 footage like 100x more blurry than it actually is (no pun intended). Even if I had a PS3, I'd pass and wait til Okami 3 comes out. Because it's bound to happen sooner or later, what with the open-endedness of Okamiden.
Seeing how Capcom wants to make every of their games available on consoles, phones, calculators, watches, toasters, etc., I wouldn't be surprised at all if they released a Wii U version.
@Heavyarms55 Looking at the age of this thread, I don't think this was ever meant to be about the Switch version! Oh well... I've moved it over to Switch sub-forum!
@Silly_G It's the necklace that pushes that version's price up. Necklace is silver and brass. Still overpriced, but that's what it is. I know there is also a bundle being sold with the pouch but without the necklace, for something like $80. I think that version sold out in about an hour, though.
Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
@JasmineDragon : I can't say I'm not tempted, especially if the necklace is real silver. I suppose the major factor holding me back is whether the cartridge will include English. I'm fairly sure it will, especially as the game is being released at more or less the same time as the west.
I'm just a tad burned out because I've recently paid nearly AU$300 for the Japanese Non-stop Climax Edition of Bayonetta 2 (for that sweet Bayonetta 1 cartridge), and I realise that I have been spending way too much money this last year on my silly whims.
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
But I might just buy it for the Game but won't play since I am lack JPN vocabulary to play if it comes that way. Problem is from E-Capcom JPN it only ships to JPN verified address so any outside it plain out of luck for those collections.
I've never played it, but Okami has become one of my most hyped games of the summer. It gameplay seems fun, the story sounds interesting, and it is just so dang beautiful.
I'm not sure what's weirder, that this will probably be the most Zelda game on a system that has two Zelda games currently, or that this thread started before the Wii U came out.
Topic: Ōkami HD
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