Usually the breaking point is after 400 hours of use, then the drifting begins.
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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
@NintendoGamerGuy If you want to fix that so it does drift, buy a KFC bucket and then let all grease drip down into a cup. Once it's all collected in a cup take a swab and soak into the grease. Then take the swab and rub it under the flaps of the joycon sticks so it gets stuck there. If the grease starts to get solid take out a zippo to heat it up again.
Pretty soon, my bog standard classic Switch won't have any Joy Con drift anymore either, seeing as I've ordered those absolutely gorgeous Skyward Sword HD Limited Edition Joy Con...
'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'
@NintendoGamerGuy I'll bolster Magician above, My joycon and procon that got drift, it happened around 400-ish hours. Happened to left stick. I play a lot of Splatoon, Rocket League, Trials Rising, which involve more enthusiastic left stick use than if I was playing less intense games like BOTW, Mario Odyssey. So, if you play less intense games, that's even better for your outlook.
@NintendoGamerGuy That is very very strange. If you're a psycho and want drift, open the stick and sprinkle some dust in there. Soon, you'll have the common switch owner experience.
I don't think I've seen a harsher Nintendo Switch critique than someone just being confused that their controllers still work like they should one year in.
Only took my left Joycon a couple of months after a lot of Splatoon. It seems action heavy games where a lot of vigorous moving of the sticks accelerates the problem. Even the Pro Controller, while a lot better than those garbage Joycons, develops problems after a while because the left stick starts grinding away the opening on the face plate. I love my Switch, but it's controllers are the worst Nintendo has ever produced.
Topic: I don't have any drift on my one year old Switch?
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