I am thinking about picking up Shadows Of Adam and I am looking for other good, short-ish, retro-styled RPGs for Switch. SoA is probably the game I am looking for, but one feature said that there have been many other games like this in recent years and I wanted to inquire if there were any retro rpgs that were even better! Thanks in advance!
Dragon Quest XI maintains a retro design philosophy but has a current-gen coat of paint.
Although...it is not short.
How about Cosmic Star Heroine. That's a sub 15-hour Chrono Trigger-inspired rpg.
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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
I did play shadow of adam. Overall, it was fun. My biggest issue would be bugs. On multiple occasions, the screen just went black, music still playing and then the music stopped. It would happen after saving at the lights. So, save often and in multiple files, since it would not actually save it when that happened and you could lose multple hours of gameplay.
Story was good and so was the gameplay.
The HD-2D games (Octopath Traveler, Triangle Strategy and Live A Live) are the ones I would personally recommend. Gorgeous pixel art, compelling stories and adding modern polish to tributes to classic JRPG's of the time (with Live A Live literally being one of said classic JRPG's), with more to come in the future like the Dragon Quest III remake. I have Octopath out of those games myself and it is a downright beautiful experience. Fair warning though: they tend to have big difficulty spikes here and there so be prepared. Otherwise though, can't recommend them enough!
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All good recs. I ultimately bought Shadows of Adam and Evoland, both on sale and both fascinating little curios. All of these other games are quite enticing.
Topic: Good retro-styled RPGs for Switch?
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