
Topic: Anyone else's Pro Controller's anolog stick faulty?

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The pro controller is great, however the anolog stick still gives me problems. On my first controller, the anolog stick was rough and stiff. Once I got a refund and brought a new one, I have a similar problem. It makes weird screeching noises and is a bit stiff. Is this happening to anyone else? Maybe I'm just unlucky.


Switch Friend Code: SW-0776-1390-1228 | My Nintendo: Jake


Screeching noise? My Pro controllers don't exhibit what your describing. Two are regular and one is splatoon and x2 pro controllers.



@SwitchForce Yep. It's weird. I might just refund it again if Amazon lets me. I'm thinking of getting a Xenoblade one for the better D-Pad.


Switch Friend Code: SW-0776-1390-1228 | My Nintendo: Jake


@Jake-06 I have 3 Pro-controllers without this problem. This is also the first I have heard of this problem. So I think you are just unlucky.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
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PSN: Heavyarms55zx

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